AA History
Random Recovery Facts
Coping Skills
Recovery Celebrities

Alcoholics Anonymous started in this city and state.

Akron, OH


More than four (4) times as many people died from drug overdose (OD) than from this type of death in the first month of 2021.



Major life changes, toxic environment, and injury or illness are this type of stressor. 

External, External Stressor


Most common coping skill involving the body and spirit.

Prayer, Meditation


Now 23 years clean, this famous bassist described himself as "a man who was so hooked on heroin and cocaine that he had to die twice before he began to contemplate a more positive lifestyle." 

Nikki Sixx


The year Alcoholics Anonymous was founded. *EXTRA 200 POINTS IF THE FULL DATE IS KNOWN*

June 10th, 1935

(While Bill W. and Dr. Bob had their first meeting on May 12, 1935, most celebrate the "official" start date on June 10, 1935 which was when Dr. Bob took his last drink to steady his hand before surgery. To many, this marks the humble beginnings of what would become Alcoholics Anonymous.)


This withdrawal symptom can begin as quickly as 48 hours after the person’s last drink and has been proven fatal for approximately 37% of people who develop it and do not receive immediate medical treatment.

Delirium tremens (DTs)


Fear of change, high expectations, and negative self talk are this kind of stressor.

Internal, Internal Stressor


This type of coping skill is often overlooked with our busy lives, but one should take time for this:

Self Care


The AIDS crisis inspired this singer to address his addictions when his friend, Ryan White, died in 1990. He felt a lot of regret that he had spent the previous decade absorbed in alcohol and cocaine misuse. He sought treatment in 1990.

Elton John, Sir Elton John


Founders of Alcoholics Anonymous (TWO NAMES)

Bill W. and Dr. Bob Smith


In 2023, this state had more drug overdose deaths per capita than any other state (52.8 out of every 100,000 residents).

West Virginia


This is one of the largest stressors in our recovery. (THREE WORDS)

People, Places, Things


A term, often used in NA/AA, that is used about living. 

One Day At A Time


Having lived his life in the spotlight for decades, this Marvel actor famously and very publicly struggled with alcohol and drug abuse in the 1990s. The actor also did time at the California Substance Abuse Treatment Center and State Prison as a result of his addictions.

Robert Downey Jr. 


Prior to starting A.A. both co-founders were in contact with what fellowship?

Oxford Group


According to CBS in 2020, this state had the fewest drug overdoses per capita in the United States. The state's drug-overdose death rate was 10.3 deaths per 100,000 residents, which was a slight decrease from 2019.

South Dakota


This external stressor is one that can cause strain on us and our families. (THERE ARE TWO CORRECT ANSWERS)

Job Loss, Money/Finances


Keeping one of these will not only keep us structured, but reduce stress.

Routine, A Routine


A giant celebrity for many years now, this celebrity's introduction to the world started with the film "Goodwill Hunting." The actor has since had something of a public struggle with alcohol abuse, having gone to treatment several times between 2001 and 2018.

Ben Affleck


Name the Big Book section from the quote: "We believe, and so suggested a few years ago, that the action of alcohol on these chronic alcoholics is a manifestation of an allergy; that the phenomenon of craving is limited to this class and never occurs in the average temperate drinker."

The Doctor's Opinion 


According to figures by UNODC, this country was responsible for almost two thirds of the total coca cultivation area in 2022, which made it the biggest cocaine manufacturer in the world.



This specific stressful event is both a positive and negative stressor.

Having a Kid, Becoming a Parent


In a five day week, how many minutes of aerobic activity should someone have to help reduce and manage stress?

150 min.


By 1994, this rock guitarist and singer was completely sober with the help of Alcoholics Anonymous after the breakup of his band. He is now 29 years clean.

Joe Walsh
