Causes of Stress
The Stress Response
Effects of Stress
Stress Relief
Coping Skills

True or False: Stress is more common in men than in women.

False. Studies show women are more prone to stress.


The stress response is also known as?

The fight-or-flight (fight, flight, or freeze) response.


True or False: Stress causes gray hair.

False, but stress can lead to hair loss.


Name a relaxation technique.

Answers will vary.


If you know you’re going to encounter a stressful situation, how should you handle it?

A) Visit your doctor 

B) Avoid it, if possible 

C) Prepare

C) Prepare. Preparing helps you actively engage challenges and reduces the overall impact of stress.


What are the top 3 stressed cities in the United States?

1. Chicago, IL

2. Los Angeles, CA

3. New York, NY


True or False: The stress hormone cortisol is released in emotional tears.

True. Excess cortisol is released in tears. Crying can therefore reduce stress hormones, promote clearer thinking and produce a sense of calm.


Which of these forms of stress can weaken the immune system? 

A) Marital conflict

B) Financial issues

C) Job dissatisfaction

D) All of the above

D) All of the above can cause stress and therefore, weaken the immune system.


Name a person in your support system who you can reach out to in times of stress. 

Answers will vary.


What are coping skills

Coping skills can be anything that helps you relax or feel better, get through the day, or get through a tough time.


Which system of the body controls the stress response?

The central nervous system, consisting of the brain and spinal cord.


True or False: Stress and anxiety are the same thing.

False. The symptoms of stress and anxiety are similar. However, stress is typically caused by an external trigger (stressor) or a change in environment, whether positive or negative. Anxiety is defined by persistent, excessive worries that don’t go away even in the absence of a stressor.


According to the CDC, what percentage of all illness and disease is stress-related? 

A) 25%

B) 60%

C) 10%

D) 90% 

D) 90% of all illness and disease is stress-related.


Name a phone app designed for Veterans that can help manage stress.

PTSD Coach, Mindfulness Coach, etc...


True or False: Unhealthy coping skills can make us feel better in the moment, but may have long term consequences. 

True. Some examples of unhealthy coping skills include smoking cigarettes, drinking/using, isolating, aggression/violence, etc...


Name 3 significant life events that may cause a person stress.

Answers will vary.


True or False: Your stress response responds differently for physical and psychological threats (stressors).

False. The stress response is the same for both physical and psychological threats (stressors).


What does the liver do when you're stressed? 

A) Clears fewer toxins

B) Makes more blood sugar

C) Makes more bile

D) The liver functions the same when under stress

B) Makes more blood sugar to give you energy. This also increases risk of Type 2 Diabetes.


True or False: Using healthy coping skills will always relieve stress immediately.

False. Healthy coping skills may not always provide instant relief, but are more likely to have long-lasting positive outcomes when practiced consistently.


List 3 positive coping skills that help reduce stress.

Answers will vary.


How does caffeine intake affect the stress hormone cortisol? 

A) It doesn't

B) It lowers cortisol levels

C) It elevates cortisol levels

C) It elevates cortisol levels


Positive stress is also known as?

A) Distress

B) Prostress

C) Eustress

D) Stress-free

C) Eustress is the term used to describe positive stress


Long-term exposure to the stress hormone cortisol has been linked to shrinking in what part of the brain? 

A) Hippocampus

B) Temporal Lobe

C) Frontal Lobe

D) Cerebellum

A) Hippocampus, the brain's memory center, can shrink with long-term exposure to excess cortisol


Name one lifestyle change that can help to reduce the impact of stress.

Answers will vary. 


Name one negative coping skill for dealing with stress and the possible consequence(s) of that negative coping skill

Answers will vary.
