What does stress look like?
sweaty hands, trembling, feeling lightheaded, irritability, feeling overwhelmed, difficulty sleeping, etc.
What is stress?
A state of tension related to the body attempting to cope with its environment
What is the term that means "We need to set up good habits to help us sleep better."
Sleep Hygiene
Stress is always bad
What term means "We can’t catch up on sleep. Once it’s lost, it’s lost."
Sleep Debt
Stress can only come from negative change. True/False and why
False. Stress can come from both positive and negative changes.
What is anxiety?
A sense of dread, apprehension, uneasiness
Define Sleep Inertia
We make it harder to get going when we nap too much
Stress is never bad for our physical health
False. Stress is neither good/bad for our health. The stress response involves our nervous system & specific hormones that enhance our ability to perform under pressure
as well as stay safe. Stress is here to help you.
It’s when stress is excessive or on-going & starts to interfere with our functioning that stress (& anxiety) can become a problem.
How can we think differently about stress?
Accept stress & embrace as opportunity, Set realistic goals, Be mindful.
Share 3 ways that stress appears in your life
Receive points if share 3 ways
Share 2 signs that display anxiety
sweating, racing or unwanted thoughts, fatigue, nausea, etc
Name 3 things to avoid before bed
i.e. alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, exercise, napping, eating poorly or not at all, etc
Stress can cause us to make mistakes, however, can also protect us during dangerous situations and improve our performance.
How can we behave differently about stress?
Eat well & exercise, Ask for help & take breaks, Sleep soundly.
Define Distress
Thinking of stress as a destructive force.
Stress or Anxiety: Which one may likely involve an anticipation of danger which results in a fight or flight response?
Anxiety due to the word "anticipation"
Name 3 things that a bedroom should not be used for
i.e. eating, working, electronics, clock watching, etc.
False, it is true that there are situations where stress is avoidable, however, we can learn coping skills to manage stress in most situations.
How can we feel differently about stress?
Challenged (in a good way), Motivated & energized, Find your “flow.”
Define Eustress
Thinking of stress as a constructive force.
Share the potential benefits of stress and anxiety in life
Receive points if can share the benefits of both
Create a 4 step sleep ritual to share
Receive points if share a 4 step ritual.
Stress and Anxiety are the exact same thing
False, anxiety is sense of dread, apprehension, and uneasiness, while stress is a state of tension related to the body attempting to cope with its environment
Name three coping skills to manage stress in day-to-day life
i.e: Proper sleep, eating well, exercise, mindfulness, etc.