Stress Management
Mental Health

A mental, physical and/or emotional state that causes your body to respond as if you're in danger

What is stress?


Affects the way you think, feel and behave

What is mental health?


Why is sleep important

* multiple answers* 

  • concentration

  • Behaviour

  • Memory

  • Physical, mental and emotional health


How can we promote positive mental health in the classroom?

Be nice/respect on another!

Name one thing that can cause stress

* multiple answers*

  • A fight with friends

  • Entering a new school

  • A science test coming up

  • Too many things to do at once (ie: homework and extracurricular activities and chores all on the same day)

  • What else?


Mental health can also affect

* multiple answers*

physical health, personal well-being, sleep, friendships, etc


Practice/habits for good health

What is hygiene?


What is one new thing you learned today?

Anything! Free points!!!!


Give an example of when stress can be helpful

When you have a deadline, it encourages you to get work done


A state of well-being that allows you to enjoy life

What is positive (or good) mental health?


How many hours of sleep should a child aged 5-13 get per night?

9-11 hours


A tool we can use on our electronic devices to help our body's prepare for sleep

What is night-mode?


Name 2 coping mechanisms for dealing with stress

  • Let your feelings out → Talk to a friend or trusted adult

  • Exercise

  • Write down how you feel

  • Find a hobby you enjoy

  • Use a breathing exercise  

  • Listen to music you enjoy

  • Set small goals for yourself

  • What else can you think of?


Is it normal for mental health to change over time?

Yes, it's just like physical health and we need to always work on it


Your body's 24-hour cycle

What is your circadian rhythm?


If you want to get in a quick workout before bed, how soon before should you do it?

At least one hour before bed!


Name 3 signs and symptoms of stress

** multiple answers*

  • eeling annoyed, frustrated or moody

  • Feeling like you’re losing control

  • Not being able to relax

  • Constant worrying

  • Not being able to focus

  • Racing thoughts

    • Low energy

    • Headaches

    • Upset stomach

    • Nausea

    • Chest pain

    • Fast heart beat

    • Not being able to sleep


Name 3 tips for promoting a positive mental health

  • Understand its okay to feel sad, upset, angry, etc. → FEELINGS ARE HEALTHY!

  • Talk about how you feel

  • Being an active listener to your friends

  • Have a trusted adult you can speak with

  • Being respectful to your peers and creating a positive school-environment → Make pink-shirt day everyday!

  • Encourage and empower your friends to develop their self esteem & they’ll do the same for you

  • Set realistic goals for yourself (ie: Today i will write down one thing I like about myself)

  • Eat healthy and be active → Science show’s this helps your mental health!

  • Be mindful when using social-media and the internet 


Name 3 sleep hygiene tips

  • Have a consistent bed and wake-up time

  • Avoid daytime naps

  • Relax before bed → read a book, gentle music, etc.

  • Avoid physical activity at least an hour before bed

  • Turn off ALL electronics at least an hour before bed

    • Set a schedule for night mode on your smartphones/tablets/iPods

  • Avoid anything caffeinated (coffee, tea, pop/soda)


How does the 4-7-8 breathing exercise work?

Inhale for 4 seconds

Hold for 7 seconds

Exhale for 8 seconds
