Causes of Stress
Stress Relief
Effects of Stress
Stress Prevention
True or False: It is the type of occupation that predicts the amount of stress an employee experiences.
True or False: Coping mechanisms can be used repeatedly to reduce stress with the same effect.
True or False: Stress can save your life.
Stressed out employees can cause which of the following negative effects on a business? a. Absenteeism b. Employee turnover c. Accidents d. All of the above
What is All of the Above
True or False: You can completely eliminate stress by avoiding stressful situations.
What is the leading source of stress in American adults? a. Occupational pressures and fears b. Commuting to work c. Compensation d. Social duties
What is Occupational Pressures and Fears
True or False: Playing Sudoku, solitaire, and arcade games are stress relieving.
True or False: Acute stress has negative effects on your health.
What percent of employers currently offer stress management? a. 10% b. 25% c. 40% d. 65%
What is 10%
True or False: Your body knows the difference between physical and psychological threats.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! What are 3 causes of work stress? (there are more than three)
• Being unhappy in your job • Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility • Working long hours • Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-making process • Working under dangerous conditions • Being insecure about your chance for advancement or risk of termination • Having to give speeches in front of colleagues • Facing discrimination or harassment at work, especially if your company isn't supportive
_________ is a way to help employees become stronger as a result of experiencing stress. a. Reverse psychology b. Cross training c. Resilience training d. Stress management
What is Resilience Training
Positive stress is also known as? a. Distress b. Eustress c. Stress less d. Prostress
What is Eustress
What percentage of workers that feel stress on the job want help to learn how to manage the stress? a. 25% b. 50% c. 65% d. 80%
What is 50%
True or False: Managing stress is all about taking charge of your thoughts, your emotions, your schedule, your environment, and the way you deal with problems.
What are 3 causes of life stress? (there are more than three)
• The death of a loved one • Divorce • Loss of a job • Increase in financial obligations • Getting married • Moving to a new home • Chronic illness or injury • Emotional problems (depression, anxiety, anger, grief, guilt, low self-esteem) • Taking care of an elderly or sick family member • Traumatic event, such as a natural disaster, theft, rape, or violence against you or a loved one.
Which of the following is not a way to reduce stress? a. Exercise b. Meditation c. Deep breathing d. None of the above
What is None of the Above
What are 3 positive stressors? (there are more than three)
• Meeting or engaging in a challenge. • Coming in first place in a race. • Getting a promotion at your job. • Watching a suspenseful or scary movie. • Love, marriage, or childbirth. • Riding a roller coaster. • The holidays. • Engaging in exercise, especially weight training.
List 3 negative coping mechanisms for dealing with stress.(there are more than three)
• Criticizing yourself (negative self-talk) • Driving fast in a car • Chewing your fingernails • Becoming aggressive or violent (hitting someone, throwing or kicking something) • Eating too much or too little or drinking a lot of coffee • Smoking or chewing tobacco • Drinking alcohol • Yelling at your spouse, children, or friends • Taking a recreational drug to calm yourself • Avoiding social contact
True or False: Your ability to tolerate stress depends on many factors, including the quality of your relationships, your general outlook on life, your emotional intelligence, and genetics.
What are 3 of the 4 causes of internal stress?
• Fear and uncertainty. • Attitudes and perceptions. • Unrealistic expectations. • Change.
List 3 positive coping mechanisms that help reduce stress.(there are more than three)
• Listening to music • Playing with a pet • Laughing or crying • Going out with a friend (shopping, movie, dining) • Taking a bath or shower • Writing, painting, or other creative activity • Praying or going to church • Exercising or getting outdoors to enjoy nature • Discussing situations with a spouse or close friend • Gardening or making home repairs • Practicing deep breathing, meditation, or muscle relaxation
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! Name one of the changes the body goes through during Fight or Flight.
-Heart rate increases -Blood Thickens -Senses Sharpen -Heavy Breathing -Adrenaline Kicks In
List 3 negative effects of stress. (there are more then three)
- Physical complaints (stomachaches, headaches, chest pains, nausea, and diarrhea, and a sensation of numbness or tingling in your hands, arms, and face.) - Problems getting along with family members, friends, and teachers. - Changes in behavior at home (short temper, unexplained anger, crying for no reason). - Regression -- behavior that is not age-appropriate. - Dysfunctional sleep patterns, including nightmares, too little sleep, difficulty falling asleep, or even oversleeping. - Communication difficulty or personality changes, such as becoming withdrawn or requiring much more attention than usual. - Impatience. - A fast heartbeat. - A headache. - A stiff neck and/or tight shoulders. - Back pain. - Fast breathing. - Sweating, and sweaty palms. - An upset stomach, nausea, or diarrhea.
Without knowing the _____________it is hard to manage stress. a. Proper exercises b. Source of stress c. Correct breathing techniques d. Psychology of stress
What is Source of Stress