How big is the universe?
It is not known, it might be infinite.
What does expand mean?
It means to become larger.
What is at the center of the solar system?
The sun is in the center of the solar system.
What does a star give off?
It gives off heat and energy.
What is the name of the world's first man-made satellite?
It is Sputnik 1.
When was the universe born?
It was born 13.7 Billion years ago.
What was the Big Bang?
It was a powerful explosion.
Which planets are composed of solid materials, inner planets or outer planets?
Inner planets are composed of solid materials.
Which is bigger, a star or a planet?
A star is bigger than a planet.
Who is working hard for human travel to Mars?
Some private companies and organizations are working hard for human travel to Mars.
Where is the solar system located?
It is located in a galaxy called the Milky Way.
According to the Big Bang theory, what did the explosion cause?
It caused material to scatter in all directions and space to expand.
What planet is known as the red planet?
Mars is known as the red planet.
What is a satellite?
It is an object that orbits another larger body.
When did the first human step on the moon?
The first human stepped on the moon in 1969.
What is the universe?
It is a huge wide-open space including stars, planets, and galaxies.
When was the material in the universe brought together to form stars?
It was brought together to form stars when the universe was cooled.
What is the largest planet in the solar system?
Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system.
What do planets do?
They orbit the sun and rotate on their own axis.
When did the first commercial astronaut go to space?
The first commercial astronaut went to space in 2004.
What else do you know is in the universe?
There are black holes in the universe.
Besides the Big Bang, what else do you think could make the universe form?
(Impress me)
Do you think humans can live on outer planets? Why or why not?
(Impress me) Sample answer: I think humans can not live on outer planets because they are composed of gas.
How are orbit and rotate different?
Orbit is to move in a circle around something else, and rotate is to turn itself on a fixed point.
Do you think commercial space travel to Mars is possible in the near Future? Why or why not?
(Impress me) Sample Answer: I think it is possible in the near future because our space technology has developed a lot.