The top of the instrument, the "head"
What is the scroll?
What is horse hair (tail)?
B on the A string (all instruments)
What is 1st finger?
Bottom line, treble clef
What is E?
The two signatures
The black board under the strings.
What is the finger board?
The screw that adjusts the tightness of the hair.
What is the adjusting screw?
E on the D string (all instruments)
What is 1st finger?
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) 3rd line, bass clef
what is F?
4 beats in a measure, quarter note gets the beat.
What is 4/4 time?
The 2 holes that emit sound.
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) Opposite of the bow hair.
What is the stick?
C# on the A string (all instruments)
What is 2nd finger (violin/viola), 3rd finger (cello) 4th finger (bass)
Middle line on Alto Clef
What is C?
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) 2 beats in a measure, 1/2 note gets the beat
What is 2/2 time (or cut time/alla breve)?
The two cut outs on the body that allow the bow to be used properly.
What are the C bouts?
What is the tip?
All possible fingerings for E on all instruments
Violin: 1 on D, 4 on A or Open E
Viola: 1 on D, 4 on A
Cello: 3 on C, 1 on D
Bass: Open E, 1 on D
2nd space on all clefs
What is:
Treble: A
Bass: C
Alto: B
Draw a Down Bow on the board and explain where in the bow it starts (Does not need to be in the form of a question)
(Draw on board, start at the frog)
At the top of the finger board, 1 of 2 places the strings touch on the instrument.
What is the nut?
The silver sleeve by the frog.
What is the ferrule?
Open G on all Clefs
See teacher book, pg. 256-257
(DOUBLE JEOPARDY) Top Line on all clefs
Treble: F
Bass: A
Alto: G
the number of lines and spaces on the staff
What is 5 lines, 4 spaces?