User perceived character
What is a grapheme cluster?
The protocol that only Substring and String conform to (do not declare new conformances to this)
What is StringProtocol?
The answer to:
let family1 =
What is 1?
Why indexing a String is not constant O(1) time
What is Unicode characters are not fixed width?
Uses & to denote this type of parameter, except with operators
What is an inout parameter?
Single value in Unicode code space with possible value of 0 to 0x10FFF
What is a code point?
The protocol that none of the String views conform to, which allows someone to access to the nth position in constant time
What is the RandomAccessCollection protocol?
The only type in the standard library that conforms to TextOutputStream
What is String? does this, while NSString == does not
What is comparing canonical equivalence?
Uninvoked reference to a property, starting with "\"
What is a key path?
The standard code unit view for storing text or sending over a network
What is UTF8?
The reason why you can't iterate over a range of characters; you can only check if an array of Characters contains a certain letter
What is the Strideable protocol?
(Characters don't conform to Strideable protocol)
The two protocols needed to write and output a stream of data
BONUS: [Health worker emoji] - [man emoji]
What are TextOutputStream and TextOutputStreamable?
BONUS:What is ⚕️(staff of aesculapius)?
The reason why iterating over Strings is efficient
What is being able to use the previous' offset to calculate from, instead of starting from the beginning?
The type of nothingness that describes the "presence of nothing", as opposed to "a thing which cannot be" or "absence of a thing"
What is void?
Bonus points for other ones: never, nil
Bit patterns that aren't valid values for a particular type
What are extra inhabitants?
The protocol that String does conform to to make up for the fact that it is not a MutableCollection
What is RangeReplaceableCollection?
The in-memory representation Swift would use for this:
"To be or not to be"
But not this:
"Alas [skull emoji] poor Yorick"
What is 8-bit ASCII?
The null terminated representation of data
What is utf8CString?
[1,2,3] is this, but Array() is not
What is an array literal?
The global variable declaration in the standard library with the signature ((String) -> Void)?
What is _playgroundPrintHook?
The line that, if you forget to write it, makes some NSString members and methods inaccessible
What is "import Foundation"?
The reason why you can find the index of a Character in a string and use that same index in a UTF-16 code unit, but not the other way around
What is index sharing, but only down the abstraction ladder?
The reason why you should not return a substring from a function except for Sequence or Collection APIs and why it is not recommended to store substrings long-term
What is the fact that substrings hold onto the original string in memory?
The reason why structs cannot be delegates
What is the fact that structs have value semantics and cannot take advantage of weak references?