We first make our ___, then our ____ make us.
Habit #5: ______ First to Understand. Then to be Understood.
“These people are like a can of soda. Shen life shakes them up a bit, the pressure builds and they suddenly explode.“
You lead one person every day. Who is it?
This is achieved when two or more people work together to create a better solution that either could alone.
Habit #1: Be________
Habit #6: _________ (Also meaning teamwork)
“These people make choices based on values. They think before they act.“
What type of person should you be with your time? The Procrastinator? They Yes-Man? The Prioritizer? The Slacker?
Give me an example of synergy in nature.
Ex:a flock of geese heading south for the winter.
Habit #2: Begin with the _____ in mind.
Habit #7: _____ the Saw
You see pics on social media of your friend out with other friends the day she told you she was too busy to hang out with you. So you immediately send her a mean text and then ignore her the next day.
This is like a personal credo or moto that states what you r life is about. It is like the blueprint to your life.
Personal Mission Statement
This roadblock to celebrating differences involves being clueless about what people feel, what they believe or what they have been through.
First things First
When you change the way you perceive the world, others or yourself you have experienced a Paradigm _____.
Describe the following language as Reactive or Proactive. “That’s just the way I am.“ “ There’s nothing I can do.”
Being a good leader requires being a good listener. What is 1 of the 5 poor listening styles?
Spacing out, pretend listening, selective listening, word listening or self-centered listening.
This roadblock to celebrating differences involves a group of friends that becomes so exclusive that they reject everyone else who isn’t just like them.
When you see your life through the lens of your possessions such as the newest clothing, cars, video games, your paradigm of life is _____-Centered.
Listening with your eyes, your heart and your ears is called what kind of listening?
Genuine Listening
Put the Action Plan steps in the correct order. Brainstorm. My Way. High Way. Their Way. Define the Problem.
Define the Problem. Their Way. My Way. Brainstorm. High Way.