An emotion that feels uncomfortable for most people
Frustration, Anger, Fear, Embarrassment
Clenched fists and trembling or shaking hands can be signals that tell us to stop and use ______ to problem solve through a situation.
Self talk can be a way to calm down after you get angry. What is an example of helpful self talk?
I can work through this.
Conflict resolution is:
Problem solving so you can reach an agreement that is respectful and responsible for all involved.
Understanding how another person may be feeling based on your own similar experiences.
What is an emotion
A) A thought you have about an emotion B) Your inner voice inside of your head C) A memory you have about an experience D) A feeling that tells you about a situation
A) A thought you have about an emotion
What is a thought or thinking trap
Thoughts or patterns of thoughts that are either inaccurate or unrealistic judgements or interpretations of events.
What is a helpful way to manage your emotions when you are in class when you're neighbors talking begins to annoy you?
Stop and breathe deeply. Ask for a break to go get a drink of water.
True or False: stress can be caused by comparing yourself to others because you think they are doing better than you?
Why would you want to know how someone else is feeling
To better understand and support that person.
True or False: Emotions feel the same for everyone
What thought trap is: You refuse to start/take your test because you think you will fail.
Fortune Telling
There are PHYSICAL feelings or sensations that often happen when we have emotions. What are 2 that come when you are angry?
Fast heart rate, shaking hands.
Reframe this thought: Jill forgot about a test, walked in to take it and thought to herself: "I will never pass, I am so stupid. Im going to fail this class."
Jill can instead think: Hmmm. This one will be hard. I will do my best to study, I will try to write tests in my planner and make sure to study for the next one.
Your friend seems upset. You want to show them you care about what he/she is feeling. What is a helpful way to do this?
Listen and pay attention
True or False: Feeling uncomfortable is normal and to be expected
Eating healthy, going outside, getting more sleep spending time with friends.
How does unmanaged anger change what teachers, friends, and other students may think of you
Responsible and Respectful. It is hard to solve conflict if you do so out of anger.
What makes a person a good friend: 3 examples
Mrs. Pellegrino will judge
The way we show how we feel can change based on: _____________ and ______________
Who we are with and Where we are
Reframing is a way to
Think about a situation differently.
List 10 coping skills that you can use to manage anger
Mrs. Pellegrino will count and judge.
What does each letter in SMART goal stand for?
Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timely
Act it out: Two people come to the front. One is a student who just broke his/her cell phone and is crying. Another is their friend. What is an empathetic response ?
Mrs. Pellegrino will judge.