Self Care
Who Run the World
(finish the lyrics)
She Did That
(women who are making history RIGHT NOW!)
What Do I Wear?!
Lend a Hand
(How can I help?)

You see something on social media that upsets you. What can you do?

Put down the phone!

Take a break from social media

Go for a walk

Get something to eat

Talk to a friend about it


Who run the world?




Kamala Harris

First female vice president

First African American vice president

Highest-ranking female in U.S. history


to School

Nothing that breaks dress code (ripped pants, cropped shirts, profane language)


You see someone struggling to open their locker

Offer to help them

Tell a security guard or adult who has a locker key


You are stressed about your grades and worried about how you are doing in school. What can you do?

Talk to your guidance counselor

Ask your teachers for help

Ask your counselor and teachers what YOU can do to fix or improve your grades and school performance


Woo Girl, need to kick off your shoes

Gotta take a deep breath, time to focus on you



Tarana Burke

founder of the Me Too movement


Sweet 16

Answers vary

(pack comfortable shoes or socks if you're wearing heels!)


You notice your friend is upset at school

Offer to listen

Find them help with a counselor or trusted adult


There is so much going on! You feel overwhelmed by the things you have to get done and everything that is happening around you. What can you do?

Talk to an adult about how you are feeling (parent, counselor, teacher)

Make a to-do list for yourself

Ask for less! (it is okay to tell someone that what they are asking for is too much)


I'm a survivor

I'm not gonna give up

I'm not gonna stop, no

I'm gonna work harder

(Destiny's Child)


Kimberle Crenshaw

Social Justice advocate

Law professor at UCLA & Columbia

Host of "Intersectionality Matters" podcast


Church event (service, baptism, etc)

Answers vary


You know a fight is going to happen

Ask your assistant principal or a crisis counselor for help

(so no one gets hurt or in serious trouble)


A friends asks for your help in something you want to stay out of. How could you respond?

Say no! Explain to them that you do not want to be involved

(It's important to stand up for yourself, too!!)


I'd rather stand tall
Than live on my knees

'Cause I am a conqueror
And I won't accept defeat! 



Jaha Dukureh

United Nations ambassador for Africa

Founder of Safe Hand for Girls'


Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize for work against female genital mutilation and child marriage


Job interview

Pants with nice top

Long dress with sweater/jacket


You see a social media post that is threatening to another student or the school

Tell your parent/guardian

Tell a school official

(it is also helpful to screenshot)


The news can be seriously distressing. What can you do about all of these things happening in the world?

Take a break from media

Talk to a trusted adult (parent, family friend, teacher, counselor)

Become active in issues that interest you (join community organizations, become a leader)


You can't just talk the talk
You got to walk that walk

It all means nothing
If you don't stand up for something 

(Andra Day)


Emanuela Paul

Coordinator of Beyond Borders program "Rethinking Power" that aims to eliminate violence against woman and girls


A protest/demonstration

Answers vary

Comfortable shoes!!


You notice a student being bullied or threatened

Stand up for them

Ask an assistant principal or crisis counselor for help
