The Big Picture: Essay Structure
Prepositional Phrases
Relative Clauses

This is an adverb in the following sentence: "The tall human being in the glitter bear costume twerked merrily."

What is "merrily"?


This is a word or phrase that tells readers where they're headed.

What is a signpost?


These link units of equal grammatical status.

What are coordinating conjunctions?


The following sentence could be an example of this type of grammar error, or something shady's going down: "Asleep on top of his roommate's crush, Ashton couldn't find his cat."

What is a "misplaced modifier"?


These are found at the beginning of relative clauses.

What are relative pronouns?


The adverb and adverb type in the sentence, "Larry Lizard was previously a bouncer down at the Riverside Crypto-Currency Cafe in Boulder, Colorado."

What are "previously" and "manner adverb"?


The first type is found in "The Love of My Life"; the second type is found in "Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior."

What are "back-loaded claim" and "front-loaded claim"?


This first type of clause is the "alpha"/"Chad" to the second type's "beta."

What are main clause and subordinate clause?


Prepositional phrases can operate similarly to both of these parts of speech. 

What are adjectives and adverbials?


A relative clause does this to a noun, and is most similar to that part of speech.

What are "Follows a noun and describes it/modifies it"  and "an adjective"?


An adverb in the following sentence: Tomorrow is the day the well-educated student will gaze at the luminescent star and wish for a generous scholarship

What is "well"?


An eminent grammarian declared that this should be a unit of _____, not of ____.

What is a paragraph? (and "thought" and "length")


This is a type of clause that sets up a condition--and an example of that clause type that you make up on the spot, NOT found in Casagrande.

What are "if" clauses, and the following example of one: "If you do the reading and make flashcards of the concepts, you will do well in this class"? 


This is a way to revise sentences that have problematic prepositional phrases. 

What is "move the prepositional phrase closer to the noun it modifies"?


These type of clauses don't just modify one word--they modify an idea communicated in several words.

What is a "sentential relative clause"?


Three parts of speech modified by adverbs... and one part NOT modified by adverbs

What are verbs, adjectives, and adverbs (modified) and nouns (not modified)?


"Self-reliance" would fail both of these methods for gauging the quality of your structure, but "Swiping Right on Tinder, but Staying Put" would fail only one of them.

What are "The Shuffle Test" and "The Transition Test"?


Writers often omit action words after this conjunction, but doing so can confuse readers--such as this example NOT from Casagrande, but made up by you on the spot?

What is "than," and something along the lines of "Do you like Ralphie more than the Golden Buffalo Marching Band?"


This (type in the chat) is an improved, revised version of the following problematic sentence: "I wore my favorite kilt to the job interview for herding sheep, which accidentally picked up smears of foul excrement from the side of the road when my car broke down on the way."

What is: "I wore my favorite kilt--which accidentally picked up smears of foul excrement from the side of the road when my car broke down on the way--to the job interview for herding sheep"?


This is an example of two sentences--one with a restrictive clause, the second with a non-restrictive clause--that differ by only one word OR punctuation item (type into chat), NOT found in Casagrande?

What is (something similar to "The ceremony will honor the athletes who won" vs. "The ceremony will honor the athletes, who won" p. 77 of Casagrande)?


1)The atypical part of speech in this sentence, and the 2) quantity and 3) all instances of that part: Sagely, Bob nodded like a bobblehead: “Meet me at the dojo later this evening; Jack will sit in silence while we kiss to break the spell before midnight.”

What are “adverbial,” five, “like a bobblehead,” “later,” “this evening,” “in silence,” and “before midnight’?


These five (in order) are found in this passage: "The final segment of my speech will address three types of businesses on the Hill: Fast food, head shops, and body art. Although some residents may believe that the Hill is an area to be avoided, it offers them a wealth of unique experiences. Indeed, what seems to be a small area is a microcosm of today's economy. The chatter down at the City Council has for too long neglected this jewel of commerce."

What are 1)Chronological signpost; 2) Listing signpost; 3) Claim-->Counterclaim; 4) Narrow implications-->broader implications; 5) Conversation-->gap?


This is a mnemonic to remember the less complicated type of conjunction--and all for which it stands!

What are FANBOYS, coordinating conjunctions, for, and, nor, but, or yet, and so?


These is an example of a prepositional phrase that "work[s] mischief with lists," NOT from Casagrande, involving three types of food (type into chat!)

What is (similar to "Kirk ate ravioli, pizza, and strawberries with whipped cream")?

When, in a relative clause, you omit the answer from the 100-point question for "Relative Clauses," you get this. That's not all... give an example (type into chat!) NOT from Casagrande.

Hint: Could be a synonym for your deadbeat Uncle Hank.

What is "zero relative"? (and something similar to "George got the job you wanted").
