Limitations II
Site, Setup and Competition

To design, build, and test a structure, made only of balsa wood with the option of using glue to connect the parts, and to test it by placing weights onto it, is otherwise known as this.

What is the Spirit of the Problem?


The cost limit for the problem based on the clarification. 

What is $145?


The team must present this many copies of the team list form that includes: Team membership name and number, the problem and division; a brief description of the Barker character; the additional games to be presented; the signal the team will use to indicate its done; and the five Style elements.

What is four copies?


The number of style elements the team will be judged on.

What is five elements?


The height and width of the Score Cross Bar?

What is 3 feet wide and 2 feet high?


The performance, Carnival Barker character, and the additional games.

What are the creative emphases?


The time limit for the problem.

What is 8 minutes?


The measurements of the three toss lines away from the score cross bar.

What is 4 feet, 7 feet and 10 feet?

The number of free choice of team elements that can be chosen by the team.

What is two elements?


Once the structure is weighed and measured, a judge will provide the team this to hold the structure to be kept at the weigh-in site until the performance. 

What is a bag?


The person who will inform the audience of the action that is taking place as other games appear. 

What is the carnival barker?


The maximum weight for the balsa wood structure.

What is 15 grams?


A weight must be held on the stack for at least this many seconds to count in the total weight held score.

What is 3 seconds?


Creative use of a trash item in an additional game is worth this many points. 

What is 10 points?


Team members must report to the competition site with everything at least this many minutes before they are scheduled to compete.

What is 20 minutes?


After this has been successfully done to the structure, the weight placement activity that is incorporated into the performance may begin. 

What is tossed?


The minimum height when resting on the tester base and supporting the crusher board. 

What is 8"?


The number of successful attempts that will count for score as determined by the Toss Line selected by the team. 

What is only one?


Creativity of how a contestant is supported by one or more fans is worth this many points.

What is 10 points?


If the structure does not meet specifications, Weigh-In judges will try to give the team an opportunity to bring it into specification but corrections must be completed no less than this many minutes before the competition time.

What is 20 minutes?


These will be integrated with the testing of the structure. 

What are creative games of skill and chance?


The open area running the entire height of the structure must accept a column that is this wide in diameter.

What is 2"?


The structure must pass completely over and beyond this to be a successful toss.

What is the Score Cross Bar?


The number of style form copies that need to be supplied to the judges at the beginning of the performance. 

What is four copies?


This will end when any of the following occur: the crusher board or any part of the structure touches any corner post; any part of the structure touches anything other than the surface of the tester base and the bottom of the crusher board; the top weight rests against the safety pipe and its determined to be supported by the pipe; the team indicates it wants to stop.

What is weight placement?
