5 short vowel sounds
What are - "a" as in "cat", "e" as in "bed", "i" as in "sit", "o" as in "hot", and "u" as in "bus"
Students learn 26 of these.
What are letters
__________states that when a one-syllable word ends in the letters \(-\), \(-\), \(-\), or \(-\) and has a short vowel before it, the final letter is doubled
What is the FLSZ or Floss rule - \(f\), \(l\), \(s\), or \(z\)
These letters are never doubled in the English language
What are h, j, q, v, w, x, y
Syllabicate the word index and why do you split it there
What is in-dex
You divide between the two consonants
A ______________ sound is produced by a free flow of breath out of the mouth. A _____________ sound is produced by blocking air which is flowing out of the mouth.
What is a vowel and consonant
There are 44 English ________ represented by 26 letters.
What are phonemes
This rule applies to 1-1-1 base words. When adding a vowel suffix to a 1-1-1 base word, double the final consonant before adding the suffix
What is the Doubling Rule
How to map sounds to letters.
What is Orthography?
Number of syllables in the word globalization and where are the divisions made
What is 5
glo ba liz a tion
Read the Word.
What sound does the Y represent?
What is the long e sound
A letter or group of letters that represent a single sound (phoneme) in written language.
What is a grapheme
In a two-syllable word what two letters will usually spell the /ik/ sound
What is -ic
Followed by the letters i, e, or y – they usually make a soft sound
What is C or G
What is the correct syllabication of the word: crazy
Number of vowel sounds in the English language
What are 20 sounds
Consonant blends appear in what word positions
what are the initial or final positions
This rule applies to silent-e base words. When adding a vowel suffix to a silent-e base word, drop the final e. Do not drop the final e if the suffix begins with a consonant.
What is the Drop Rule
Example: namɇ + ed → named, name + less → nameless
Is the letter that makes the schwa sound in the word analysis
What is y
What is the correct syllabication of the word: syllabication
Which word has a vowel -L at the end that is a schwa?
oil owl animal
What is animal
The difference between a digraph and a diphthong
What is a digraph is two letters that make 1 sound and a diphthong is TWO vowel sounds that combine or glide to make one vowel sound
The exception to the Change Rule
What is y + ing “love” each other and are never separated
exception: cry + ing → crying
The grammatical order of words, or sentence structure
What is syntax
Which syllabication rule is applied to the word sum/mer?
What is prefix, root word, suffix