These are the skills we use to take in new information and ideas.
What are input skills?
The three steps of the _____ ______ are as follows:
1. Prepare to listen
2. Listen actively
3. Summarize
What is the Preacher's Method?
The final step in retrieving new information.
What is class participation?
Input skills include 4 key areas. Name two.
What are: listening, note taking, reading, and class participation?
Good listeners will watch the teacher, keep eye contact, body language shows engagement (nodding, doubt, disagreement), respond non-verbally or verbally, and ________.
Answers may include:
Sit closer to the teacher to observe facial expressions
Some take notes while listening
Most will summarize the information and relate it to something they know about
The best learning time is ___ ____.
What is class time?
Most of the input students receive comes from this input skill that develops a foundation of understanding so you can build specific and detailed comprehension.
What is listening?
Relate things you know or have experienced to what is being discussed, try to pick out test questions from the conversation as you listen. A typical class will contain ___ to ___ possible test questions!
What is 7 to 10?
This is saying the information to yourself in your own words.
What is a summary?
This input skill is defined as reading challenging material to a) develop a broad understanding and b) identify specific information you need to learn.
What is study reading?
The main purpose of in-class listening is to understand and identify the information you will need later. Focus on _____ information - not memorizing.
What is gathering?
Reading is NOT _____. It is gathering information to study.
What is studying?
This is considered the final step in retrieving new information.
What is class participation?
Name one thing you can do to become a better listener.
Answers will vary.
Be _____: Go after your education! You are paying for it with your most valuable resource; your time. Use it wisely by wringing out every inch of learning and information that you can. If you don’t understand something, be proactive about asking for help.
What is aggressive?