What does the struggle for existence bear on?
Natural Selection
What helps with the rapid increase of plants and animals around the world?
Having favorable circumstances
Which scholar had an influence on Darwin’s ideas of checks on population growth in nature?
Thomas Robert Maalthus
What is the term Darwin uses to describe populations from growing?
Mutual Checks to Increase
Darwin believes that structures are in relationship with which organisms?
All species with which an organism competes with
Also with which organism prey upon, and are preyed upon by
What does “checked with destruction” mean?
Means death or destruction such as lack of food, disease, predators at some
What does Darwin consider to be the most effective check on increase?
Periodical extreme cold or drought
A natural force that prevents a species from growing by limiting its resources, such as water and its environment
In what ways does Darwin want us to understand nature?
With facts on distribution, rarity, abundance, extinction, and variation
Why is a high rate of increase necessary?
If there is not a high rate of increase, species can easily go extinct due to checks of destruction that each living animal and plant goes through at some point in their lifetime.
What are the 3 categories of organisms that suffer the most due to checks?
Eggs, young animals, seedlings
Type of weather that reduces a population by limiting water and food