What is a bottle?
All Babies are born with this color eyes
What is blue?
Term to describe wrapping a baby after birth, for comfort or sleep
What is swaddling?
Britney Spears' first hit song
What is Baby One More Time?
If you crave sweets and chocolate, it means you are having this baby gender
What is a girl?
What is a lullaby?
First sense a baby develops
What is hearing?
These things go missing in the wash, are adorable and you never have the right pair
What are socks?
Cold 90's hit
What is Ice Ice Baby?
Number of people a pregnant woman eats for
What is 2?
What is a swaddle?
Infants first recognize this color
What is red?
Used when a baby is born and during colds and illnesses
What is a nose sucker?
A Mariah Carey Ballad
What is Always Be My Baby?
Feed your child these to improve eyesight
What are carrots?
What is a pacifier?
Number of bones a baby is born with
What is 300?
On average, how many diapers will a baby go through from birth to potty training
What is 8000?
Popular Christmas time hit
What is Baby it's cold outside?
Eating this root veg while trying to conceive causes twins
What are sweet potatoes or yams?
What is a bassinet?
Body parts babies are born without
What is kneecap?
Adults can own these; often the first item of clothing a baby wears
What is a onesie?
Sir Mix-a-Lot's hit
What is Baby got Back?
Pet that steals the air from a baby's mouth
What is a cat?