How many people are currently in our class
Who is the infamous sibling duo who terrorized student council for a year and a half
The Perez family
What theme has been brought up every homecoming but never gets chosen
What are Tate and Prince's real first names?
Robert and Thomas
How many class of '25 people have been on E-Board
How many 4 year members does our class have
How many people have been in chat (bonus points if you can name them all)
What have the homecoming themes been from Freshman to Senior year
Decades, Colors, Around the World, Music
Sophomore and Junior year we went to Disneyland. What theme park did we go to Freshman year?
Knott's Berry Farm
Name the past 4 student body presidents
Emma Wikler, Zion Price, Alexis Morada, Anne Marie
We of course have Emma Wikler in our class but who are the other three Emma's that have been in stuco
Emma Frank, Emma Jones, Emma Meltchert
What was the name of the group chat without VanEss that got everyone in trouble Junior year
Juniors Uncensored
During the summer work hours of junior year, Christian brought his playstation. What were the three main games that were played during those summer work hours
Just Dance, NBA2k, Fortnite
We have a cardboard cutout of a movie character in the stuco room. Who is the character?
Buddy the Elf
How many treasurers has our class had
Who is the person who gave Prince the nickname Prince
What was VanEss' nickname in college
Smashlee VanEss
How long was the longest wall we ever did
In the stuco room, there is a coffin with a phrase painted on it that has been used for football games. What does the phrase say?
Rest In Defeat
Name the 5 class officers our freshman year
Gizelle, Mia, Josh, Lizzie, Kaitlyn
In total, how many people have been in the class of '25 student council
Who is the southern executive rep that has been loved by generations of stuco members
Sandy Ginger
Who was the micro influencer who helped us set up our walls junior year as a part of class committee
How many people in student council, NOT JUST THE SENIOR CLASS, has Tate Lovell either dated, been in a talking stage with, or asked out
6 people
Who are the only people in our class to have a position for all 4 years? (Does not have to be the same position)