Where Am I?
Vacation Mishaps
Vacation Memories I
Vacation Memories II
Vacation Memories III
This destination holds the Studebaker family record as the worst lake vacation ever.
What is Patoka Lake?
Andrew gets "props" for the scariest moment in Studebaker vacation history that took place on this river that feeds Table Rock Lake.
What is the White River?
On one Florida vacation we learned that the hot tub at the Magic Tree Resort should only be used for this.
What is medicinal purposes?
As a favorite beach activity, this Studebaker would spend the day diving into the waves; letting them roll him to shore.....and end the day with pockets full of sand.
Who is Daniel?
This traditional "last night of vacation" activity is just par for the course on a Studebaker Family vacation.
What is mini-golf?
The first Studebaker lake vacation was at the Lake of the Ozarks, and we stayed at this resort.
What is Point Breeze?
Big bro took the helm, and the warning ticket, when little bro caught the attention of the Missouri Department of Conservation Police for exceeding this speed limit on Missouri lakes after dusk.
What is 30 mph?
Grandma Steffen always made sure the sweet tooth was satisfied by sending these on vacation for the kids.
What are PB Mac candy bars?
This meal at Denny's was an annual "out of your mind" favorite when travelling to our vacation destinations.
What is the Grand Slam?
This favorite feeding frenzy destination usually includes long waits, huge mugs of iced tea, and lots of side dishes.
What is Lambert's Cafe?
On our first trip to Table Rock Lake, the Studebakers had a "bird's-eye view" of the lake from this resort.
What is the Crow's Nest?
Lou Valentine was the "Cupid" who came to the rescue when these two boat problem occurred and saved a couple of vacations.
What are a hole in the hull and a cracked transom?
At the end of our '95 Florida vacation, he recreated "the wave" before leaving.
Who is Andrew?
An annual first stop at this location in Springfield, MO generally signified that out Table Rock vacations had officially begun.
What is Bass Pro Shops?
The first Wal-Mart run was the Studebaker girls' queue that is was time to make this annual purchase.
What are swim suits?
Mom herded the family together in flag t-shirts for our first family lake vacation photo while staying here.
What is Harper's Valley Resort?
The owner of Fisherman's Luck "plunged" right in to fix this problem (caused by Andrew) only to find out that the "gag" was on her.
What is a clogged toilet?
Commonly referred to as "goo balls," these treats were a staple of Table Rock vacations.
What are Wal-Mart glazed donuts?
An old green blanket at Aunt's Creek received this monstrous nickname.
What is Swamp Thing?
Andy made a splash and raised some eyebrows when he donned this not-so-yuletide gay apparel.
What are bright pink swim trunks?
The strange little garden of fairies and gnomes didn't "sour" our opinion of this Table Rock vacation resort.
What is Bittersweet Resort?
A couple of times over the many lake vacations, "trolls" and paddles have saved us from this unplanned event.
What is running out of gas?
When visiting Walt Disney World, Ben learned to "gobble" up these treats.
What are smoked turkey legs?
Mom proved to be a real competitor at "Gump".....a vacation term for this game.
What is ping pong?
The entire family partook in this vacation activity that kept us blindfolded and sometimes baffled; but never thirsty!
What is The Pepsi Challenge?