Getting Involved
The SA Fair
United We Won Points
Niche Clubs
Academic/ School Spirit Clubs

This digital platform is essential for joining clubs and service activities, providing meeting reminders and announcements.

What is BAND?


To connect directly with a club’s BAND page, students can scan one of these at each display.

What is a QR Code?


Earning this points for getting involved in clubs, sports, service, and other school activities can help your province win the year long competition. The points are recorded through Minga.

What are United We Won points?


This group of readers meets monthly to discuss literature and encourage a lifelong love of books.

What is Book Club?


This group hosts all Pep Rallies, organizes students sections at sports games, and brings spirit to the halls of MND during walk throughs.

What is GAA?

What is Girls Athletic Association? (+50 extra points)


If you're looking to find club meeting dates and events, this resource, which you use daily, is a great place to start.

What is your Planner?


This side of the handout will help students navigate the gym and locate the different club and program displays.

What is the club table map?


Achieving the highest scores in this quiz-style event during Tuesday's community activity will earn your province extra points.

What is Jeopardy?


This club allows students to develop their art skills, collaborate on community art projects, and beautify the school.

What is Art Club?


This group of students represent MND by helping host in-school and out-of-school events.

What are the Ambassadors?


You can find descriptions of each club and service activity, as well as QR codes to join, in this document shared via email and MND Central BAND.

What is the Student Activities Booklet?


Students can turn in their completed BINGO cards for a chance to win one of these.

What is a prize?

What are United We Won points?


Completing this special game board at the Student Activities Fair will contribute points to your province.

What is a BINGO board?


These students explore Japanese culture, language, and traditions, including becoming pen pals with students in Japan.

What is Japanese Culture Club?


This group of student leaders organizes all-school activities like the Fall Ball, Father-Daughter Dance, and Catholic Schools/Spirit Week.

What is Student Government?

What is Province Leadership?


This office is where you go if you have questions about service activities at MND. 

What is the Campus Ministry Office?


This interactive card will allow students to earn stamps by asking questions or listening to presenters during the fair.

What is a BINGO card?
You can earn United We Won pints by dressing according to these every day during Spirit Weeks.

What are themes?

What are theme days?


This group meets at Perfect North when the weather is right to enjoy a love of their favorite winter sport.

What is Ski Club?


This group participates in and hosts conferences with local high schools where they acts as delegates from countries around the world and debate solutions to global issues.

What is Model UN?

What is Model United Nations? (+50 extra points)


This staff member, located in Room 320B, can help you with any questions related to student activities.

Who is Ms. Heldman?


Students will have this amount of time to walk around the gym and explore the different clubs and programs.

What is 25 minutes?


GAA hosts students sections at sporting events where you can get this many points for attending.

What is 10 points?


The groups spreads positivity, mental health awareness, and mindfulness around MND with their meetings and efftors.

What is Sources of Strength?


This group competes against other Greater Cincinnati schools by answering academic, general knowledge, and trivia questions.

Academic Team
