The role of the Student in the classroom
The role of the teacher.
A group of people discuss a topic or a problem and come up with ideas.
Students, guardians and teacher are interested in this phase to ensure student learning.
Monitor Phase
The lessons are chosen and developed by them.
The role of the student.
Students are divided into home groups then expert groups where they discuss a certain piece of information then go back to their homerooms to relate the information.
Jigsaw method
This is the phase where teachers respond to students needs
Adjust Phase
The TCL characteristics.
Lecture, Note taking, Memorize, Recall
The SCL characteristics.
Formulate, collect, manipulate, organize, and answer
Used at the beginning as an ice breaker or warm up activity and at the end of the lesson
KWL Chart
A grade team of teachers and supervisors work together to ensure effective teaching.
Plan Phase
The teacher's main focus.
To complete the content.
The teacher's main focus.
How to learn effectively and to help students achieve certain standards and skills
Students apply what they learned by creating this.
Stage where teaching strategies are applied.
Engage Phase
The students' main goals.
To achieve a certain grade
Schoology's SCL cycle.
PEMA= Plan, Engage, Monitor, Adjust
Students share information with their colleagues
Peer teaching or presentation
Teachers use these guidelines for planning technology based activities