Name something that violates the dress code
What is violent language/images, images/language depicting drugs/alcohol, hate speech or profanity, exposed midriff (crop top), hats/hoods (except for religious purposes), pocket chains and sunglasses
What is rolling your eyes, mumbling under your breath, ripping/crumpling paper, foul language, talking back, hand gestures.
What is the definition of a fight?
What is physical interaction between two or more students involving punching with intent to harm.
What is the 1st offense action for leaving class without permission?
What is conference with administration, a phone call home, Detention and meeting with a counselor
If I call/text a parent/guardian (without permission) to pick me up or tell them about something that happened at school, will there be a consequence?
What is YES. You should not be using your phone during school hours. You should go to the nurse, your teacher, administration or a counselor when something is wrong. This could result in a detention.
What is misconduct in the classroom?
What is throwing objects, leaving seat/classroom, calling out, off task behavior, refusal to do work/cheating, making inappropriate noises, touching others' property without permission, touching others, minor misuse technology, and plagiarism.
How might you endanger the safety of others?
What is putting hands on others, scuffling, pushing/shoving, biting, punching, spitting, hitting, choking, or making threats (I'll beat you up or I'll kill you).
Intentionally inflicting physical harm/unwanted physical contact is called?
What is assault
Can teachers give a consequence like lunch/recess or after school detention?
What is Yes both teachers and administration can give out consequences
If my friend sends me a picture of someone or a message about someone that isn't very nice and I show other people, can I get in trouble?
What is YES. Even if you did not write the message or take the photo, forwarding it or sharing it with others is wrong. If someone sends you something do not forward it to other people and delete it.
What is considered inappropriate physical interaction?
What is hitting, tripping, poking, slapping, pulling, pushing, scratching, pinching.
What is a stereotype/bias based incident?
What is making comments, slurs, jokes, statements, questions or gestures that are derogatory or offensive to an individual's or group's characteristics.
Walking around on the bus while it is moving could result in what consequence?
What is a removal from the bus for up to 5 days, detention, parent conference, meeting with a counselor and meeting with administration
What happens if you skip or forget about your detention?
What is You have to make it up and may also receive an additional detention too.
What is an example of school misconduct?
Stealing items at school may include....
What is stealing food/drink items from the cafeteria without payment, taking things from a teacher/staff members desk, taking things from the bookfair without payment, taking peers possessions from desk/closet/locker/backpack
What type of infraction would cause immediate notification to the police for an investigation?
What is possessing/distributing/using any illegal substance (drugs, alcohol, cigarettes/vape) including paraphernalia and accessories. Any alarm, threat exploding device, arson, or act of terrorism at the school. *Possession of a weapon/fighting have possible cause of police notification*
If someone hits you and you hit them back will you get in trouble for defending yourself?
What is YES. Anytime anyone puts hands on another person it will result in a consequence, even if the other person started it.
What happens if you get caught cheating on an assignment or assessment?
What is you could receive a zero for the assignment and receive a detention or suspension as well.
What is an example of misconduct on the bus?
What is removing seatbelt, screaming, cursing, being disrespectful to the driver/aide, eating/drinking, bothersome behavior towards others, standing while the bus is in motion.
Videotaping fights, videotaping/taking photos of someone without consent/permission, sexting, posting inappropriate photos/videos on social media are all example of?
What is misuse of technology/cell phones
Making threats to a teacher/adult, throwing objects at a teacher/adult, using physical force toward a teacher/adult would be an example or what kind of infraction?
What is major infraction
Do ALL Major infractions result in an immediate suspension at the 1st offense?
What is YES (some may be pending results of an investigation)
If someone is threatening you, putting hands on you, posting about you online, and saying offensive things to you, who should you report it to?
Who is Principal, Vice Principal, School Counselor, your teacher, or a Secretary (to inform administration).