How should I be carrying the computer to my desk?
Walking, 2 hands, watch where going, quietly, etc.
Am I ever allowed to visit a website that I have not gotten permission to visit?
NO! You should only be going on websites that have been approved by the teacher.
Allowed or nah?
Whatever game website I want, whenever I feel like playing.
How should you treat people that you are talking to online?
The same way you would treat them in person. Kindly. You should not say anything ugly about another person or put another person down.
If you are working on a group project, you are allowed to touch the computer while another student is using it. True or False.
False. You should only use your words to communicate an idea or suggest help. You should not touch the computer until you have permission.
Where should I sit my computer when using it?
On a flat surface like the floor, the desk, the counter or table.
Are you allowed to search on Google whenever you want?
NO! You should be searching on the search engines that the teacher approves/provides only when you have permission to be researching.
Allowed or nah.
Taking the computer out of the classroom or taking it home?
How are some ways that I can show respect to others when talking to them on social media or the internet.
How should you treat group members or partners when working together on the computers?
With respect, kindly, calmly, share responsibility, take turns sharing ideas, etc.
How should you close the computer?
Log out, shut down, and close gently. NO SLAMMING
What are some examples of websites you are allowed to visit?
Reflex, Prodigy, Kiddle, School's Website, Freckle, Discus, etc.
Allowed or nah?
Running with the computer.
True or False. It is ok for me to talk bad about someone online if I make a fake account or if I post something without my name on it, because they'll never know it was me.
False. It does not matter if you think something is anonymous or if you think it is only a private conversation. It is NEVER ok to talk bad about someone online.
Should you ever fight over a computer, activity or game? What do you think would happen if you did?
When should you use the computer?
Only when my teacher gives me permission.
What are some examples of personal information you should never share on the internet?
Address, phone number, city you live in, neighborhood you live in, how much money you have, school you go to, age, where your parents work, whether you are home alone or not, pictures of yourself, etc.
Allowed or Nah?
Getting on the computer and playing games on approved websites when I have permission from my teacher.
How long will my posts stay online when I post something?
Forever. Even if you delete something, it leaves what's called a digital footprint and can always be recovered or pulled back up.
Should you ever use someone else's log in or open anyone else's files even if you have permission?
Where should I put my computer when I am finished and how should I put it away?
Should return to the back counter, gently placing inside one of the slots, and I should make sure I have plugged up the computer so it can be charged for the next day.
What should you do if you come across, see, or hear something inappropriate or something that makes you uncomfortable?
Tell an adult right away without making a scene or drawing attention to it. You should not make jokes about it, or show it to anyone else.
Allowed or nah?
Changing my background to whatever picture I want and playing around with all the settings.
Nah. You need to ask my permission before changing any settings, and you need to get your background approved by me before changing.
True or False. When I send an email on my school email or save things to my Google account, I am the only person who can see that.
False. The district, Dr. K, Mrs. Helle , Mrs. Hollis and Ms. Brown can all access and see what you send in your email or what you save and post on your Google Drive.
How should you act if you are assigned a group member or team member that you don't tend to get along with?
Respect them, keep your cool, be patient, ask Ms. Brown for strategies to help you work with that person, put aside differences, make a choice to put aside differences and work together for the duration of the activity or assignment, treat them the way you would want to be treated, choose kindness, etc.