7-9th Grades
10-12th Grades
Executive Council

This person has a tough serve in volleyball, loves all things outdoors and knows how to shoot a gun! This person will be the 8th Grade President this coming year. 

Jenilee Andrus


This person plays volleyball, is the tallest child in their family and has super long dark hair. They will be serving their class as secretary next year as a sophomore.

Selene Mendez


This person is short but sassy, likes to twerk and comes from the 'hood. This person will be creeping around taking pictures of everyone for the historian's book next year.

Araceli Gaspar


This student will be brand new at our school next year but knows our school well since they have a parent working here and . They will be the 7th grade Class President next year!

Garrett Andrus


This representative enjoys eating steak, is the shortest child in their family and has green eyes. They will serve the 10th Grade as President next year.

Julissa Mendoza


This individual has a twin they get mistaken for, is loud and runs the cheerleaders. They are also Student Body Secretary for next year.

Celica Mendoza


This person has a tough serve in volleyball, loves all things outdoors and knows how to shoot a gun! This person will be the 8th Grade President this coming year.

Jenilee Andrus


This person is the oldest child, asks Ceci for hot Cheetos all the time and likes to visit Chow Hound with her boyfriend. This student will be the Junior Class Secretary next year.

Ximena Escalante


This person is musically talented in many instruments, knows Korean and has a plethora of ideas to share for student council. This person will be our 2nd Vice President next year!

Shin Gomez


This student is the oldest in their class, works on a farm and speaks a language nobody else at the school speaks. This person will represent the 9th grade next year as secretary.

Gabe Galangue


This individual is outgoing, loves walking around barefoot and has a heavenly name. This person will lead the 11th Grade as their President.

Angel Cordingly


This student will be a junior next year, participates in basketball, volleyball, cheer, music and track and will be serving as our 1st Vice President next year!

Talynn Lovato


This student is super nice, very smart and performed extremely well in FCCLA this year! This person will be the 9th Grade president next year.

Emily Roundy


This person could live off of Nesquik and Oreos and some days this person likes to run into class with about 3 seconds to spare after lunch. This senior will be serving as a representative for their class next year. 

Manuel Rivera


This Senior will be our Student Body President for the next year. This person is Hispanic has dark hair, brown eyes, and wants to make next year the absolute best it can be. This person has a nickname that is pasted all over Ms. Jensen's room. 

Axel Anguiano
