Academic Challenges
Social Situations
Family Dynamics
Peer Pressure
Work and Responsibility

You have a big exam tomorrow, but you're feeling anxious. What do you do?

What is review your study material and practice relaxation techniques to calm your anxiety. 🐺😈🔥


You’re invited to a party but don’t know most of the attendees. What do you choose?

What is decide based on your comfort level; if you're interested, go and try to meet new people.


Your parents want you to attend a family gathering, but you have other plans. What do you do?

What is communicate respectfully with your parents about your plans and find a compromise if possible.


Your friends want you to skip class and hang out instead. What’s your choice?

What is politely decline and choose to stay in class to focus on your education.


You have a part-time job but are struggling to balance work and school. What do you do?

What is discuss your schedule with your employer to find a balance that works for both your job and school commitments.


You've received a poor grade on an important assignment. What steps do you take next?

What is analyze what went wrong, seek feedback from the teacher, and create a plan to improve in the future.


A friend confides that they're being bullied. What’s your response?

What is offer support, encourage them to talk to a trusted adult, and let them know they don’t have to deal with it alone.


 A sibling is being difficult and annoying you. What’s your appropriate response?

What is try to talk calmly to them about how you feel or find a peaceful way to spend time apart.


You feel pressured to change your appearance to fit in with a new group. What do you do?

What is stay true to yourself and your values; make choices that feel right for you.


You’ve promised to help a friend with a project, but you’re swamped with your own work. What’s your approach?

What is communicate openly with your friend about your situation and propose rescheduling your help.


Your teacher asks you to present your project in front of the class, but you're scared of public speaking. How do you handle this?

What is practice your presentation in front of friends or family, and focus on deep breathing techniques to help manage nerves.


You overhear classmates making fun of someone. How do you react?

What is speak up against the behavior and offer support to the person being targeted.


Your parents are upset with your grades, and they want to discuss them. How do you prepare for the conversation?

What is review your grades, reflect on the reasons behind them, and be ready to discuss your plan for improvement.


A classmate offers you a drink at a party, but you’re not comfortable with it. What’s your response?

What is firmly but politely decline the drink and suggest an alternative activity.


Your boss asks you to take on extra shifts, but you already have plans. How do you respond?

What is politely decline the extra shifts and discuss your availability with your boss to find a better time.


You’re overwhelmed with extracurricular activities and schoolwork. What is your decision?

What is assess your commitments and prioritize, possibly reducing your extracurricular involvement.


You’re planning a group outing, but one friend insists on doing something different. What do you do?

What is discuss the options as a group to find a compromise or alternative that everyone can be happy with.


You feel overwhelmed with family responsibilities and need a break. What action do you take?

What is talk to your family about how you’re feeling and negotiate some time for yourself.


You see a group of friends making fun of someone who is different, and they want you to join in. What do you choose?

What is stand up for the person being targeted and refuse to participate in the negative behavior.


You see a coworker stealing from the cash register. What do you do?

What is report the situation to your supervisor or manager immediately for appropriate action.


You suspect a classmate is cheating on tests. What do you do?

What is consider discussing it with the teacher privately, emphasizing your concern for academic integrity.


A close friend is starting to distance themselves from you. How do you approach the situation?

What is reach out to them directly, express your concern, and ask if there’s anything going on that they want to talk about.


Your family is going through a financial crisis, affecting everyone. How can you contribute?

What is take initiative to help by seeking part-time work, reducing your expenses, or helping around the house.


You’re considering engaging in risky behavior because everyone else is doing it. How do you approach this decision?

What is reflect on your values and the potential consequences, and choose to act in a way that aligns with your beliefs rather than succumbing to peer pressure.


You’ve been promoted at work, but you’re unsure if you’re ready for the responsibility. What’s your decision?

What is take time to evaluate the responsibilities of the position, discuss your concerns with a mentor or supervisor, and consider whether you feel prepared to accept the role.
