Are international students required to take a course during the Summer term?
If the units for a class is transferrable to a CSU, does that mean those same units are also transferrable to a UC?
No, not necessarily.
How many UC-transferrable units are required to transfer to a UC campus?
60 units.
How can I find out if a class is UC/CSU/USC transferrable?
Check the GCC Class Schedule notes or the course description in the GCC Catalog.
How many CSU campuses are there? How many undergraduate UC campuses are there.
23 CSU campuses. 9 UC campuses.
How many of the required 12 units can international students take online next semester?
3 units.
What is the minimum Math course/level required for earning an Associate Degree from GCC?
Intermediate Algebra (such as Math 90 or Math 30) unless your major requires more Math coursework.
True or False: For CSUs, the Golden 4 refers to an English Composition course, a Critical Thinking course, a Speech Communications course and a transfer level Mathematics course.
What are some of the services GCC's Career Center provides?
Resume writing, job search and practice interviewing assistance/workshops, Career Counseling, etc.
What does ASGCC stand for? What is the ASGCC?
Associated Students of Glendale Community College, the official student government organization on campus.
Match the annual tuition/mandatory fees for an international student attending CSUN, UCLA or USC. Which costs $43,000? Which costs $60,000? Which costs $18,000?
CSUN $18,000 UCLA $43,000 USC $60,000
What is the name of the 24/7 free online tutoring service GCC's Learning Center has brought to GCC students?