First amendment and student political expression/ crime and punishment
Dress code/ to strip or not to strip
Schools and pregnancy test / beyond reasonable doubt
Dogs and cars/ keep hands to yourself
Ink and piercing/ just say no

Must a school district allow police officials to question or arrest a student during the school day? 

Yes, if a police officer has a warrant he is allowed to arrest a student during school hours. 


May schools officials strip search a student? 

The fourth Amendment limits the circumstances under which strip searches are constitutional.


What is “reasonable suspicion”?

Theres is reasonable suspicion to search when school officials reasonably infer from all circumstances that the student is committing, is about to commit , or has committed an offense.

School officials must identify specific articulated facts which, when taken with their natural inferences, make the intrusion reasonable.


Does state law authorize the use of corporal punishment in Illinois schools?


State law prohibits corporal punishment.

School  code permits teachers, other certified employees and any other person who provides a related service for or with respect to a student to use reasonable force


May school officials conduct random drug testing of athelets?

Yes, Under certain narrowly defined circumstances random drug testing of student athletes is permissible.


Does the first amendment protect students political expression?

No, It only protects students speech.


May a school board or administration establish a student dress code?

Yes, To safely regulate, a school board must demonstrate disruption of the orderly process of school functions, or endangerment to health or safety.


May school officials require a student to take a pregnancy test?

No,School officials must have legitimate health concerns , even for students athletes, to requires such a test or the search is unreasonable.


If a police dog alerts on a students locked car in a school parking lot, may school officials or the police open the car and search it?


If the student is 18 years of age or oldr and gives consent for the search the car maybe searched.

If the student if under 18, the students parents must give consent or a warrant must be obtained in order to conduct a completely safe search.


May a school board ban student tattoos or non-ear piercings?

No, The courts has given student tattoos and body piercings First Amendment protections when a school district has been unable to demonstrate health or safety  concerns.
