Attendance Rules
Behavior Expectations
Dress Code
School Policies
Emergency Procedures

What is considered an excused absence?

An excused absence is an absence that both the school and the parent/guardian approve.


What are the consequences for disruptive behavior in class?

For the first time, a verbal warning from your teacher, small consequence from teacher according to their rules if behavior continues again, then on a 3rd warning student will be written up.


What is our school's policy on headgear?

Hats, hoods, caps, hairnets, and bandanas are not allowed unless approved by administration or outside.


What is our food policy?

Students cannot bring food without school permission, and are not allowed to bring food into the class unless it is approved by the Superintendent and/or the Principal.


What should students do during a fire drill?

All students will be escorted out to the nearest safety exit in a calm manner, with one student taking the emergency backpack.


How many tardies can result to in-school suspension?

Four tardies can result in ISS.


What is considered bullying?

According to our handbook, bullying is considered any intentional act that harms a student's property or causes harm or distress to a student.


Do you know what our policy is on pants sagging?

Pants sagging is prohibited, as is any gang-related clothing or dress.


What time do classes start? 



What is the name of our school nurse?

The nurse's name is Donna.


What is the procedure for a student to leave school early?

Your parent/approved guardian must talk to the Student Services Manager, and then fill out and sign an Early Checkout Request form.


How should you act during school assemblies?

Students should behave properly throughout the assembly, which includes being respectful to everyone around them and the presenter.


Can you wear leggings?

No legging or jeggings are allowed.


What is the policy on cell phone usage during school hours?

Cell phone an unauthorized electronic usage is not allowed during school hours.


How can you hear about any weather-related school closures?

Watching the local news, calling the school, listening to KABR radio, or checking the Alamo Navajo Community School Facebook page.


What happens if a student misses more than 10 days of school in a row?

The student will be dropped from enrollment.


How should students address teachers and staff?

Students should treat ALL teachers and staff with respect for the roles they play in keeping our school safe and productive.


If your clothes are ripped, can you wear it?

Yes, IF you have something underneath your clothes to cover your skin.


What is the policy for internet usage?

Students must sign the internet safety policy and are not allowed to access inappropriate websites.


What is our lockdown procedure?

Students will move to the least visible part of the classroom, and stay silent until the lockdown is over. No one is allowed out of the room during this time.


How many TOTAL days can you miss in a semester before you are dropped from the school enrollment?

15 days


What is our school's mission? 

Our mission statement is to teach children the values and life skills necessary for a successful life, one filled with caring, contribution, and commitment, empowering each child with: The vision to see opportunity within adversity and the value of setting goals to reach; the courage to try and the value of accepting obstacles as challenges to meet; the will to succeed and the value of making the commitment to persevere!


Can you wear any types of pajamas?

No, pajamas and slippers are not allowed unless for a special theme day.


What is considered public displays of affection?

Public displays of affection are any inappropriate physical contact with another person, and will not be tolerated.


What is our earthquake policy?

We don't have enough earthquakes to care about that!
