Who is the Principal?
What is Principal Gentry
Are you shoes required to attend school?
What is yes
When is it alright to bully someone?
What is never
Where are students allowed to store sports equipment?
What is in their locker
How many assistant principals do we have?
What is 3 (2 assistant principals, 1 instructional assistant principal)
Name one article of clothing that is not allowed.
What is anything with alcohol, tobacco, vulgar images, nudity, racial, or indecent. Spaghetti straps, strapless shirts, or tube tops. Halter or bare midriff tops. Bedroom shoes or pajamas. Anything that does not meet the palm-length rule. Tights without anything over them. Any symbols associated with gangs, intimidation, or violent groups.
Our cell phone policy states you are not to use your cell phone during school hours. Please tell me the school hours you are not permitted to use your cell phone (from this time to this time).
What is 7:00-2:00
If a student leaves before this time, they are counted absent for the day.
What is 11:00 am
Can you name one school counselor?
What is Jamie Sherman or Stacey Marshall-Buie
Are hoods and hats allowed?
What is no
Can you tell me one bus policy?
What is any of the following listed in the handbook (Up to Ms. Burt's discretion)
Whos responsibility is it to complete any missed work?
What is the students
Who is the financial secretary?
What is Jill Whitaker
Where should you put your large or oversized coat?
What is in your locker
Are students allowed to buy, sell, or trade any items including valuables or food on school property?
What is no
Where are prescribed medications housed?
What is the guidance office
Name the coolest 8th grade teacher.
What is obviously it's Burt
SEMS follows whos policy for the dress code?
What is WS/FCS School Board
Tell me what one letter means in the CHAMPs acronym.
What is C-Conversation
What is 7th period?
What is a period to offer students extra help, additional resources, or extended time to work on school assignments or a topic of their choosing. (Answer is up to Ms. Burt to approve)