I got a 2
You look Good
Merit not Merritt
Clean Slate

You walk into the room and say " You have ugly pants on today!"

What is a "0" under either communication, empathy or self control. Maybe under all 3! Learn to keep those comments to yourself.


Hooded Sweatshirts

What is only allowed on Merit Level for FREE!  Make sure and keep the hood down until you get to Merit



What is anything after 8:15am? You will receive a 50 point loss. Wake up sleepy head! 


Computers, outside time or basketball in gym

What is choices of recess when on Merit Level? Just let Mrs. Merritt know where you are headed!


I called my teacher a bad name. I see her the next morning and she says Hello with a huge smile.

What is a CLEAN SLATE? Staff at Northwest Academy spends many hours/years training to help you receive a clean slate. Behavior modification takes time! Nothing happens over night.


Sat down and wrote assignment in planner

What is a "1" under responsibility? Shows respect for the classroom teacher and responsibility for your school work.


Zippered notebooks and book bags

What is not allowed at Northwest Academy? The only thing in your locker should be gym shoes, extra socks, deodarant (PLEASE), coat, hat, mittens.


Theraputic Intervention that occurs within the classroom setting.

What is a Teacher Managed Support Intervention (TMSI) Loss of one bond per TMSI. Student must complete our new checklist before returning to class. If TMSI lasts longer than 40 minutes; student will lose another bond....process quickly and learn from your mistakes. 


I get my phone during recess EVERY DAY

What is A NEW OPTION for students on Merit. Obey the phone rules in the classroom/school setting and the phone is yours every afternoon. 


A slip you fill out so you can discuss an issue with an appropriate staff member

What is a TRS slip? (Tension Reduction Slip). Use as needed but please remember to use wisely. More than one per day can result in 25pt loss. 


A peer was getting very angry and the classroom had to move to another location to continue their class work. You moved and even helped the teacher take their books.

What is a "2" under Cooperation? Thank you for being a team player!!! :)


Writing with pen, pencil, highlighter, whiteout, ect. on clothing or body or MRS FINN'S NEW CALENDAR

What is not tolerated at Northwest Academy? Zero in Responsibility and/or self control.  Staff will ask you to remove. Additional occurrences will result in increased behavioral consequences (TMSI, OMSI) Is a distraction for you as the student and to others around you. Thanks so much for being clean!


overslept, refused to get on bus, out all night and did not come home, "sick" but never called, can't find good pants to wear

What is unexcused absences? 

New rules: 1st/2nd offense: 1 bond loss

                 3rd/4th offense: 3 bond loss

                 5 or more: 5 bond loss

* Clean slate each semester 


Jewelry looks lovely on you. 

What is a comment you will hear if you are on Merit? You may wear jewelry that meets handbook regulations if you are on Merit and guess what it is FREE! 


Bank day is Thursday. You are negative -1200 points. 

What is CLEAN SLATE on FRIDAY? You start back at zero the next day so you can have a clean slate.


You finished your assignment during class and then asked if you could work on back work from another class.

What is a "2" under Responsibility and/or advocacy ? Awesome! You have the potential to do great things.


I have bandanna on my head or in my back pocket or wrapped around the leg

What is prohibited and now stated in the handbook? Bandannas were worn by cowboys to keep dust out of their face. I will make sure we keep the dust to a minimum. 


theraputic intervention happens in a designated separate area

What is Office Managed Support Intervention (OMSI) Loss of 3 bonds Student must complete our new checklist before return to class


Every Friday during 7th hr.

What are weekly Merit Activities? Look at calendar in hallway for details. We will be cooking, gym time, movies and more. 


Got in a fight on the bus. OSS suspension for 5 days. You return to Northwest Academy on the 6th day.

What is a CLEAN SLATE? You are allowed to have ample time to make up work you missed. Remember Bus behavior does have a direct impact on your points and levels at Northwest Academy.

* Bus infractions are determined by Home school administration and Northwest Academy administration.


You asked Mrs. Finn to find out how many credits needed for graduation. She forgot and two days later you POLITELY asked again.

What is a " 2 " under advocacy. Caring about your education should be your #1 priority. 


muscle or tank tops, crop tops and cleavage

What is YUCK? No one whats to see that. You will be asked to put on another shirt for the day and receive 0 points in hygiene. 


Basketball Court, Playground, Ball Diamonds

What are designated area for recess? Students may go to any of the three areas daily. Once you have made your decision for the day; you may not switch. EQUIPMENT FROM DESIGNATED TOTE ONLY 


" I want to go back to my home school"

What is must be on Merit Level for several weeks then we will schedule a team meeting? *Each student is an individual and your path to a return to your home school is also very much individualized. * We are here to help you reach your goals!!


Significant issues at home, Significant issues with lawful authorities, Significant issues on social media. Walk through doors at Northwest Academy.

What is a CLEAN SLATE? Feel free to write a TRS slip so you can get your issues off your mind and concentrate on the power of an education! Education is the key to your success. You can do it!!!!
