Christmas History/Lore
Christmas Movies
Christmas Songs
Christmas Food
Christmas Gifts in Student Life

There is no Christmas without the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, in a manger in this "city of David."

What is Bethlehem?


Though its being a "Christmas movie" is heavily contested, this film may give you "claus"trophobia as the protagonist crawls through air ducts to stop terrorists.

What is Die Hard?


In the hymn Joy to the World, it is repeated three times, "let _____ and ______ sing." 

What is heaven and nature?


It's not Christmas without this Italian dish that Buddy the Elf adorned with syrup, marshmallows, Pop-Tarts, and more.

What is spaghetti?


Less students complaining about late chapel grades

Who is Charlie or "Chuck Nasty"?


Historically, Santa Claus has this many reindeer pulling his sleigh, including the red-nosed one.

What is nine? (Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph)


In Home Alone, Marv, the thief, would leave the tap going in houses they burgled in hopes the crime duo would be called what name?

What is the Wet Bandits?


"Deck the Halls with ______ of holly!" I am sure you know the word that is missing, but can you spell it?

What is b-o-u-g-h-s?


Saltine crackers topped with a melted brown sugar/butter mixture and nuts is affectionately (and inappropriately) known as "Christmas _____;" this form of stimulant cocaine.

What is "Christmas Crack"?


Better referees for flag football

Who is Zona?


This large, green decoration in most houses began in Germany as a two different traditions, a paradise tree and a Christmas pyramid, that was merged into one. 

What is a Christmas Tree?


Name two movies that adapt Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol

What is Scrooged, Disney's A Christmas Carol, Muppet's Christmas Carol, Spirited, etc.


In 2021, Ed Sheeran and Elton John released a song with this surprisingly never-before-used song title.

What is "Merry Christmas"?


Some people will mix oats and birdseed to be left with Santa's milk and cookies, referring to it as ________ food.

What is reindeer food?

A bigger space for her massive desk

Who is Meg?


Having stockings hung for Christmas was a purely European tradition. That is, until 1823 when Clement Clark Moore wrote this famous poem in which they were "hung by the chimney with care."

What is "The Night Before Christmas"?


This Netflix Original movie explores the origins of Santa Claus through the lens of a desperate post master. The title character is voiced by J. K. Simmons.

What is Klaus?


Name the artist that does not have a Christmas album:

Meghan Trainor, John Legend, RuPaul, Sam Smith, or Chance the Rapper

Who is Sam Smith? 

This often ridiculed Christmas dessert is made with flour, cinnamon, nutmeg, eggs, and a whole lot of dried berries.
What is fruitcake?
Less chaos, more accounting, skinny jeans, and baseball

Who is Dr. Rusty Roberts?


Before he was jolly Saint Nick, he was Nicholas of Myra, born in this Middle Eastern country now known as Turkey.

What is Asia Minor?


This overlooked cartoon Christmas film follows Santa's son, voiced by James McAvoy, as he tries to deliver a forgotten bicycle to a little girl before Christmas morning.

What is Arthur Christmas?

Name every present given in the song "The Twelve Days of Christmas"

What are "Twelve drummers drumming, eleven pipers piping, ten lords a-leaping, nine ladies dancing, eight maids a-milking, seven swans a-swimming, six geese a-laying, five golden rings, four calling birds, three french hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a pear tree"?


Here in the US, we leave Santa Claus a glass of milk and cookies, but in this country, the fat man gets sherry and mince pie.

What is the United Kingdom?

People to leave him alone about his rap career

Who is Jared?
