The correct way to clock in and out.
What is clocking into ADP.
This is what should be filled out for every event, when requesting tables, chairs, speakers, etc.
What is an event set up request.
This is what should be done if a student is requesting information about Metro passes.
What is instruct students they will need to sign up on the Metro website, and will need to submit additional information. Have them take a picture or write down the Metro information located on the front desk.
Students should do this if they would like a candy or would like to participate in a program.
What is sign in on the ipad.
This is the appropriate greeting when picking up a telephone call.
What is: "Hello, good morning/afternoon Student Programming and Commuter Services, this is _________ speaking. How may I assist/help you?"
This is what guests should be signing every time we have an interaction with them at the SPCS office.
What is the monthly sign in log form.
This is what should be done once a program proposal is completed.
What is meet with Amanda and or Faraah; AND meet and update Amanda weekly until the event.
This is what should be done if students request information about off-campus housing.
What is have student log into their myMSMU, click on student life at the top, click Student Programming and Commuter Services, and choose which housing list they would like to see.
This is how often student lounge assistants should be logging user counts.
What is every hour.
This should be done/said if a student requests a locker not in located in building 4.
What is: kindly inform them that SPCS only distributes lockers located in building 4. If they would like to request a locker elsewhere, they will need to speak with their department office. If you need assistance contact Amanda or Faraah.
The first thing you should do once you have clocked in, and are working in the office.
What is checking the whiteboard for tasks.
This is what every staff member should do if they are signing up to help during an event.
What is filling out the staff day of event sign up form.
This is the process for the ticket office (including what is on the receipt).
What is: ask which ticket(s) they are purchasing and how many. Then pull the ticket(s) out. On the receipt the following should be listed: Name of purchaser, date of purchase, quantity of tickets, name of person selling the ticket and time, ticket number(s) located on the back of the ticket(s). Amount received and change if needed.
DUE = (how much is due to them)
PAID = (how much they paid)
This is what should be done after every Movie Wednesday.
What is clean the popcorn machine thoroughly using the wipes.
This should be done if I do not know the answer to a guest's question.
What is: communicate with Amanda, Faraah, or other staff members working. If all individuals are not working, take down the guest's information, and inform them that you will contact Amanda or Faraah for the answer, and will get back to them.
This is how many times an absence/make up hours requests forms you should fill out, if you have more than 1 absence.
What is: it should be the same number of absent days you need to make up.
This is what should be done if a student has informed SPCS they can no longer attend a MITC event.
What is remove the student from the sign up sheet, refund their money (if applicable), call AND email the next person on the waiting list. Then update Amanda or Faraah.
This is the process when students sign up for a locker.
What is checking that they have a lock already, choosing the next locker form in the binder, having the student fill out the form, keep the white copy and give the yellow one to the student.
This is the day when polos should be worn.
What is programming day.
This is the largest bill you should be receiving for the ticket office.
What is $20.
When a question, concern, or comment arises, and you need to communicate via email, you should be doing this.
What is sending it to Amanda AND Faraah.
When a student is signing up for a MITC event, these are the forms they are filling out.
What is the sign up sheet, Emergency list sheet, and the waiver.
This is the response given when a student asks for information regarding the Commuter Meal Voucher.
What is: "Please fill out the top portion of this form with your information. Bring it to student financing in building 745. They will fill the form out and ask you to bring it back to SPCS. Once our Director has your form she will contact you via email with instructions to pick up the Commuter Meal Voucher card. This process could take 1 - 2 weeks, however we usually have a quick turn around time.
This is done when the SL runs out of supplies such as tissues, pens, candy, etc.
What is write down a list and give it to Amanda.
This is the cut off day and time for someone to request make up hours and absence requests.
What is Thursday by noon.