The form that any staff, student, family or caring community member can fill out & submit when a there is a concern regarding a student’s social, emotional, health and/or behavioral functioning at school?
What is the Request for Assistance (RFA) form?
The number 988
What is the National Suicide Crisis Prevention Lifeline number?
The percent of school days missed for a student to become identified as a chronic absentee
What is 10%
The program the district is utilizing to reduce the need for physical restraint by creating a culture of prevention.
What is MindSet?
The name of the former anonymous tip system.
What is PSST?
Child Welfare and Attendance, Special Education and
School Based Mental Health.
What are the 3 departments under Student Support Services?
Popcorn & Paint Night
Staff Bowling
Staff Talent Show
DSUSD Health Fair
What are staff wellness, district wide events that took place last school year?
Only these types of absences are counted in truancy
Education Code 48205 lists the reasons a student may be legally excused from school. If a student is absent for a reason not included on the list, the absence is unexcused.
Staff members (two per school site) who can certify other staff in the MindSet Curriculum.
Who are site-based trainers for Mindset?
The Say Something QR code will be placed on the back of this.
What are Student badges?
The school sites that have an assigned School Based Mental Health Therapist
What are All school sites? Yay!!!
A no cost, up to 6 sessions service that DSUSD offers employees and their family members access to for confidential counseling sessions.
What is the Employee Assistance Program
Any type of whole-day absence can be recovered by attending Saturday school except this.
Be sure to attend one of our upcoming Saturday school trainings to get a program going at your school site
The next step for MindSet.
What is a MindSet site plan?
ARS is the acronym for this.
What is an Anonymous Reporting System?
The PREPaRE Crisis Response Model
What is the standard protocol to mitigate further trauma and promote trauma recovery when students and/or staff have been exposed to any level of crisis?
The month that is recognized as Mental Health Awareness
What is May?
A tool schools can use for Tier 1 attendance improvement planning that shows the attendance rates of previous school days
(can be used to identify patterns of absence and historical days of exceptionally high/low attendance)
Average Daily Attendance (ADA) Calendar
These four steps can assist staff while managing potentially volatile situations and can serve as a model for conflict resolution in all areas of life.
What is the four step counseling model?
The members of the school team.
Who are the principal, AP/Project Teacher, security agent, and counselor?
The name of the presentation for all staff that supports DSUSD’s Suicide Prevention Policy 5141.52
What is “Know the Signs”?
The name of the email you will receive every week to promote healthy wellness strategies for all staff.
What are “Words of Wellness”?
The action a school can take to request assistance from a Family Engagement Specialist for a student experiencing severe chronic absenteeism
Submit an RFI
School sites can submit an RFI to request an FES assist with locating a missing student, accompanying site staff on a relational home visit or to assist in connecting the family with a community resource.
The key to turning a confrontation into a conversation includes these steps, found in the acronym PASS.
What is:
Promote Choice and Trust
Avoid Power Struggles
Seek Pro-Action vs. Re-Action
Set-up Everyone for Success
The Say Something Tip Management Process
What is
Submit Tip
Process Tip
Manage TIP?