Danielson 101
Zee Seminar
The frequency with which you should share your lesson plans with your cooperating teacher.
What is at least 2 days in advance?
The frequency with which you can expect your supervisor to visit you at your student teaching site.
What is about once a week?
The teacher uses a familiar timing devise, (like a 3-2-1 bell signal) to alert students to return to their desks.
What is Domain 2 Classroom Environment? or What is 2C Managing Classroom Procedures?
As a student teacher, you are expected to attend how many weekly seminars?
What is All of them?
You should do this if your are sick.
What is contact your cooperating teacher immediately? What is ensure that lesson plans are in place for your cooperating teacher?
Your supervisor will check your student teaching notebook to check for this detail on your lesson plans.
What is look for your cooperating teacher's signature?
You should do this if you want to attend a conference or job fair.
What is ask your supervisor for permission in writing to miss school for the event at least one week in advance?
You ask, “Anna, can you comment on Mary’s idea?” and Anna responds directly to Mary beginning with "I thought about your idea and I agree that..."
What is Domain 3 Instruction? or What is 3b Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques?
Weekly seminar is an important part of your communal reflective growth. Name two things our seminar topics will focus on:
What are professional topics? What is sharing student teaching experiences? What is what we decide is important to us as a class?
You should be doing this when your cooperating teacher is teaching.
What is actively participating in the lesson and assisting students? or What is working in a way to assist your cooperating teacher?
Your will participate in three-way conferences with your college supervisor and your cooperating teacher this many times each placement.
What is a minimum of two time each placement.
Student teachers are guests in their placement classrooms and are not protected by professional certification or rights that cover employed teachers. You are not allowed to:
What is serve as a substitute teacher? or What is teach students without a certified teacher present?
The students clap and cheer enthusiastically after one another’s presentations.
What is Domain 2 Classroom Environment? or 2a Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport?
Name three documents you will complete as part of our seminar class.
What are: resumes? PA Standard Teaching Applications? electronic portfolios?
You show this when you propose an idea to your cooperating teacher.
What is initiative?
Name three things you can expect your cooperating teacher to do for you.
What is: Provide you with a work area? Invite you to faculty meetings, parent-teacher conferences, and in-service programs? Create an atmosphere that facilitates your growth? Gradually involve you classroom activities, routines, responsibilities, and instructional procedures? Review and sign your lesson plans at least two school days in advance? Assist with your evaluation?
You will be expected to assume full instructional duties in each placement for this length of time.
What is a minimum of two weeks for each placement?
Your students will create a rubric for their final project on the benefits of wind energy; You have shown them several sample rubrics, and they will refer to those as they create a rubric of their own.
What is Domain 1 Planning and Preparation? or What is 1f Designing Student Assessments?
Students can take an active role in student teaching seminar by _______________.
What is listening and responding to peers? What is suggesting professional topics? What is asking reflective questions?
You will plan to arrive at school at this time every day.
What is on time? What at the same time or before my cooperating teacher?
Your cooperating teacher will plan with you to gradually assume duties in the classroom. You will assume control of the class by what week of student teaching?
What is when my cooperating teacher thinks I am ready?
In order to have your supervisor provide you with meaningful feedback you will do this no later than 11:59pm on Fridays.
What is email my schedule of when/what I will be teaching for the upcoming week?
You notice some speech delays in a few of your young students; you call in the speech therapist to do a few sessions in your classroom and provide feedback on further steps.
What is Domain 4 Professionalism or What is 4d Participating in a Professional Community and/or 4f Showing Professionalism?
Name two of the four elements that must be included in your student teaching notebook.
What are: 1) Pertinent documents from pre-student teaching semester (questionnaires, calendars, class schedules, duty roster, district handbook, seating chart, students’ learning profiles, and classroom management plan)? 2) Signed daily lesson plans and reflections? 3) Teaching evaluations? 4) Anything else required by your college supervisor?
Student records and information should be shared with only those individuals directly involved in the education of students. By doing this you uphold ___________.
What is confidentiality?