what form is sent to dependents when they are turning 21? when is it sent?

dependent status form 2-3 months before their bday

Joan is calling and notifying she is a part time student in SK does she qualify for an educational absence?

No, G or t code


Kim is calling on 20250120 to notify her daughter is a ft student, her daughter was moved to her own acct on 20241130 when are you cancelling the single acct and when are you reinstating?

cancel 20250131C

and reinstate 20250201


How many courses is considered ft?



Ryan is calling to notify he back in AB from studying oop, what probing questions should you ask him? how do you action the acct?

When did you arrive back in AB>?

Change from E20241130 to an A


Jan is calling to notify her son is a ft student in AB what probing questions would you ask her?

What school? 

Confirm Ft, study dates, expected graduation?


Brian is calling today to notify his son is ft student in the USA, upon bringing up his acct you see this is the first notification what do you advise him and how do you action the acct?


importance of letting us know his return ect next year a POE doc is required to maintain coverage


Henry is calling to notify he is a ft student in NB, (first notification) he is calling 20240520 what is the residency control code and date?


before June 30 current year


Acceptable examples of proof of enrollment are?

a letter from the registrar’s office

• letter of enrolment printed from an online portal

• printout of confirmation of course registration from an online portal

• letter from an intermediary, liaison or third party approved by the educational institute


Natalie is calling today to notify she has graduated from her oop studies, she confirms she has a new job contract for 1 year in BC what probing questions do you ask her? how do you action?

Where? how long? contract/letter sent in to ahcip


Is apprenticing considered ft studies?

Yes, apprenticeship, articling, practicum studies, fellowship programs, internship programs, and co-op programs 


Juanita is calling to notify she is a ft student at the U of A, upon bringing up her acct you see she has been moved to her own acct in order to return her to the family acct you must

speak to the reg or stat2 on acct


Cecilia is calling to notify her son is ft student in AB he starts school 20250301 when does he receive dependent status?  

when he is ft student


Lois and her family arrived from SK to AB on 20241110 her dependent daughter has stayed in SK as a ft student is she eligible for AHCIP? 

If the student attends school outside of Alberta they must intend to return to Alberta upon completion of their studies o must present a letter from the registrar’s office each year (except for the first year) o letter must confirm attendance on a full-time basis o letter must be on school letterhead 

Same coverage as main reg



Accredited educational institution includes

s elementary, junior high, high school, correspondence, college, university, technical, vocational and RCMP College in Saskatchewan


Gina is letting you know her daughter is a ft student in AB how do you action the acct? 

Turn stat7 to stat 4


John is calling to notify he is a student in Australia upon brining up his acct you notice E20241130 what needs to happen to reinstate his acct?



What should be listed on a proof of enrollment document?

  • Student’s full name 

  • Program of enrolment or courses/credits awarded 

  • Study dates with the semester they are enrolled in 

  • Confirmation of full time attendance 

  • Proof it came from the educational institute. Examples include official letterhead with signature, school logo/crest, or from the school’s official website. 


Is the application of student renewal status mandatory to send in ?

No we can take notification for in province over the phone, mail or fax

proof of enrollment needs to be sent in if oop


Coverage for a new dependant of a government funded account holder arriving from another part of Canada is subject

to the standard waiting period unless the government agency requests coverage for an earlier date and must intend to return to Alberta upon completion of their studies


What is the difference between having dependent status and not having it?

shift of responsibility ahcip does not have premiums responsible for their own acct, some private insurance companies MAY require them to be listed under a parent/guardian with ahcip.


Sara is calling to notify she is an online student taking courses through the university of BC what probing questions must you ask her? how do you action the acct?

are you physically present in ab?

stat 7 to stat4


Jacob is calling he had a visit to the doctor and they are saying his health care is not active, upon brining up his acct you can see he has been cancelled 20221130 what must be done to reinstate?

POE from past years must be sent in to maintain coverage and reinstate


where can you find info regarding students?

BM, RAnet, student status renewal guide (email)


Sandra is notifying she is no longer traveling back and forth for employment outside of AB she is now a ft student in BC is she eligible? 

D to E=yes 

