Short answer
Fill in the blank

Coarse, profane or vulgar language is unacceptable.



When does after-school ESL program happen?



Students who arrive _____ minutes or more after class begins will be marked absent for that period.




When a student is issued an in-school suspension, he or she is removed from the traditional classroom environment and put into a special suspension classroom, led by a teacher or team of teachers. The suspension may last a day or a few days depending on the student's offense.


Students will be assigned to community service hours as a result of unwanted/inappropriate actions and behaviours. Community service hours count towards upper school volunteer hours.



How many periods does one school day usually have?



After _____(how many) lates in a subject, the student and parents/guardians will be notified by the teacher.




Expulsion is the removal of the student from the school community.


If a student misses a formative assessment activity due to an unexcused absence, he/she will only receive half of the original mark.


1. If a student legitimately misses a formative assessment activity that the teacher chooses to evaluate, the teacher may request that the student make up the activity. 

2. If a student misses a formative assessment activity due to an unexcused absence, a mark of zero will be assigned.


How often does Parent-Teacher conference happen each school year? And when?

Parent-Teacher conferences are scheduled twice yearly: 

In PYP subsequent to the distribution of the first term and second term reports. 

In Grades 7 -12 at the midpoint in each semester.


Students who go off property without permission will receive ______, followed by completion of ________. Any subsequent offenses will be sent to the deputy head of school or vice principal.

warning;community service hours


Duplication (in Academic Honesty Policy)

When a student resubmits their work on multiple occasions for different assessment tasks or

different subject areas. This is also known as self-plagiarism. For example, a student cannot use

his/her own summative work from a unit in Language about environmentalism for a summative

task in Science (unless an interdisciplinary unit has been established by the teachers and they

have created a singular assessment task).


If a student is involved in a school-related activity on a test day or an assignment due date, the student must give the teacher two days notice prior to the due date so that alternate arrangements can be made.


If a student is involved in a school-related activity on a test day or an assignment due date, the student must give the teacher two days notice prior to the due date so that alternate arrangements can be made. If a student fails to make such arrangements, the student will need to complete community service hours before being eligible to hand in the assignment


Where is the only place that food will be consumed at SJA?

the cafeteria


During the school day (8:45 am-3:30 pm), _______ shall be the only entry and exit point to the school. All visitors must sign in at the front desk and obtain a visitor’s badge

the front entrance


casual days

The days when students can dress in casual clothing or wear the school uniform.


For major assignments, if a student is absent on the due date, it is the responsibility of the teacher to ask for the student's assignment.


For major assignments, if a student is absent on the due date, it is the responsibility of the student to submit their assignment by e-mail to their teacher before class begins. When the teacher receives the assignment, they will respond to the student to indicate that the assignment has been received. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that the assignment reaches the teacher. If the student fails to submit the assignment on time, the student will complete community service hours directed by the subject teacher.


What will result in a suspension? Please list 3 situations.

o Uttering a threat to inflict serious bodily harm on another person 

o Possessing alcohol or illegal drugs 

o Being under the influence of alcohol 

o Theft of school or personal property 

o Swearing at a teacher or at another person in a position of authority 

o Committing an act of vandalism that causes damage to school property or to property on school premises 

o Bullying/cyber-bullying/harassment 

o Any other offense deemed a serious breach of the student code of conduct


In the case of school closure due to inclement weather, check the St. Jude’s Academy website www.stjudesacademy.com. Snow days will be posted by _______ (when) on the school website.




"Anaphylaxis" means a severe systemic allergic reaction which can be fatal, resulting in circulatory collapse or shock.
