It is ok to talk when Mrs. Hudgins is talking.
What do we do when we are done with our work?
read a book, catch up on work, choice board activity
We have free days every Friday?
What does it mean to be polite and positive?
Speak in a normal tone of voice and listen attentively.
What is the first thing you need to do when entering the Studio?
Enter quietly.
Does your Interactive Notebook remain the studio?
Yes, in the bin at each table.
What days are we working on Social Studies?
In what manner do we solve problems in Studio 108?
Quickly and peacefully.
How do we exit the studio?
Clean your area, return community supplies, pack up your things, complete exit ticket
How can we earn extra in Studio 108?
Bring in index cards and sticky notes.
How many Achieve articles do we need to complete each week?
What does Oscar Winning Behaviors mean?
They are our classroom rules.
What is the cell phone policy?
Phones should be your pocket or purse at all times. If you do not have pockets, place face down on your table.
What type of binder can I use for my Interactive Notebook?
Three ring binder.
What days do we work on Science?