I can work through problems to develop focus and perseverance while starting and finishing the project.
What is Engaging and Persisting?
Martha is sketching some memories from her family trip.
What is Envisioning?
geeagn nda tesprsi
engage and persist
How can I show how I feel?
This sketch is part of the envisioning stage. I draw some boxes on my page to explore layouts of my subject
What is a Thumbnail?
I can imagine, plan, and work through meaningful ideas prior to beginning on my final project.
What is Envisioning?
Kai has a completed project in front of them. They are writing down what went well and what they could improve on for next time.
What is Reflecting?
crtehst and xoreple
stretch and explore
What do I see?
What is a Reference image?
I can practice using artmaking skills/techniques to build upon my skills.
What is Developing Craft?
Maddie just drew 10 of the same flowers. She realized they got better each time.
What is Developing Craft?
What is my plan?
The arrangement of forms in a work of art
What is composition?
I can use references from life to help me look more closely than ordinary “seeing” and notice details that otherwise might not be seen.
I can Observe
Luke is at a museum learning about different art movements.
What is Understanding the art world?
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develop craft
How can I use my time the best?
Engage and Persist
This means I have a positive attitude about my work process and I know that I can alway improve and problem solve
What is a Growth Mindset?
I can question, explain, and evaluate my own work and others work constructively.
I can Reflect
Rachel is drafting some artwork while trying different materials
What is Stretch and Explore?
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understand the art world
What would happen if I tried this?
Stretch and Explore
without looking list as many studio habits of mind as you can....there are 8
Envision, Observe, Reflect, Understand the Art World, Engage and Persist, Stretch and Explore, Develop Craft, Express