Study Abroad Myths
Returnee Opportunities
General Study Abroad
"Tough Stuff"
What does UCEAP stand for?
University of California Education Abroad Program
TRUE or FALSE: Study Abroad is too expensive!
FALSE! The cost of going abroad is often comparable to a year at UCI, some programs actually cost less and some cost more. It's contingent upon the length of time and the costs associated with going to school in certain countries. Since you are still enrolled with UCI when you study abroad with UCEAP, your financial Aid travels with you!
Upon your return, what can you do to help other students who are interested in studying abroad?
You can share your experience and what YOU did abroad by: 1. Joining the Study Abroad Returnee List. 2. Posting your photos, videos, blogs, stories, and more on the Anteaters Abroad page on Facebook.
What is the UCI Study Abroad Center website address?
www.studyabroad.uci.edu * This is a wonderful resource that can answer most of your questions. The website is updated frequently with dates for study abroad information sessions and events.
What are the names of the three UCEAP student ambassadors for UCI?
Tori Monette Florian Termin Autumn Monteforte * Make sure you have our business card before you leave!
How many countries have study abroad programs with UCEAP?
The UC Education Abroad Program (UCEAP) is partnered with 115 top universities in 42 countries worldwide. Our UC-approved programs abroad combine immersive learning environments with engaging activities and excursions.
TRUE or FALSE: Study Abroad will mean I cannot graduate on time!
FALSE! With planning and communication with your school’s academic counselors you can get courses you completed abroad to count towards your general education, major, and even minor requirements. Plan ahead, chose a program that offers similar courses to your major and you will be off to a good start!
What is a UCEAP Student Ambassador and what do they do?
Student Ambassadors work with 1–2 fellow ambassadors on their campus to plan recruitment events and activities, make presentations to students in a variety of venues, and answer student inquiries via e-mail and social media. This is a wonderful opportunity for returnees to share their life-changing memories with fellow students while gaining leadership experience and building career skills. You also receive a scholarship for all of your hard work!
Where is the study abroad office located?
1100 Student Services II (Across Ring Road from Zot-N-Go)
When was International Education Week on campus?
Week 7 - November 12-15, 2013
What are some of the other options available through UCEAP? (i.e. other than academic study)
- Research - Internships - Volunteering - International Citizenry
TRUE or FALSE: I cannot study abroad because I do not speak a foreign language.
FALSE! No worries! We have dozens of programs in English speaking countries or at universities where English as the official language: The United Kingdom, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, Ghana, Canada to name a few all have English programs.
What is a Study Abroad Peer Advisor and what do they do?
Peer Advisors at the UCI Study Abroad Center are UCI students who have returned from study, work, internship, volunteer, research or teaching programs in a foreign country. Peer Advisors assist the Study Abroad Center with outreach, publicity, and advising for the various opportunities abroad that are available to UCI students.
What does IOP stand for?
International Opportunities Program
What country was the first UCEAP program in?
Do you receive your UCI financial aid if you go abroad with UCEAP?
YES! You will receive any grants, scholarships, and loans you are eligible for as a UCI student. Also, there are scholarships available specifically for students studying abroad with UCEAP! *The only aid you do not receive is work-study.
TRUE or FALSE: My GPA is too low!
DEPENDS! Different program have different GPA requirements. UCEAP’s 16-week fall semester program in London only requires a 2.00 GPA. Click advanced search on the UCEAP website and select your desired term of study and then hit the “SUBMIT” button, the following page allows you to filter programs by GPA requirements.
What is the Global Leadership Certificate Program?
This Certificate Program is uniquely designed to help you broaden your understanding of what leadership means in a global society, and gain skills necessary to make a difference and initiate change. Without adding significantly to your academic workload, it will guide you in developing skills that meet your interests and needs. Through this program, you will be empowered to lead and succeed in our global and multicultural world. Questions? Contact glcp@uci.edu for assistance
Returnees can show their global pride at graduation with a country sash! TRUE or FALSE
TRUE! Make your international experience visible with a sash that displays the flag of the country where you studied. Let it be known that you are an ANTEATER from ABROAD!
What year did UCEAP start?
1962 - Before UCI (1965)! Since 1962, UCEAP has helped thousands of UC students benefit from international education.
Can you earn UC credit for the courses you take abroad with UCEAP?
YES! “Getting credit” and “fulfilling degree requirements” are two separate things, but both are possible with UCEAP! There is a MyEAP course catalog you can refer to that includes previous courses UCEAP students have taken and the respective UCI courses they have transferred as/fulfilled.
TRUE or FALSE: I can only study abroad once!
FALSE! There are several students who have studied abroad twice. You can go once to fulfill course requirements and a second time to learn more about a country of interest. The opportunities with UCEAP are endless!
Name 2 additional returnee opportunities.
- Study Abroad Panelist - International Peer Group Mentor - Returnee Conference: "Lessons from Abroad" - Returnee Seminar offered through the UCI Study Abroad Center
What are other opportunities you can participate in to go abroad?
"UCI Experiential Learning Abroad" through clubs on campus! - Engineers without Borders - UCI Costa Rica Program - Flying Samaritans UCI - Global Brigades - UCI India Initiative - Olive Tree Initiative
When you study abroad, what program will you choose?
UCEAP! UCEAP is designed to meet your needs by providing programs at top universities around the world. UCEAP does an excellent job of combining adventure, scholastics, and guidance all in one to provide each student with a program specific to their personal and educational requirements. UCEAP has certainly given us the confidence to begin our travel around the world!