intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it...
students preform better when the principal and school board members provide strong _________________?
style tends to be characterized by numerous behavioral regulations, is often seen as punitive and restrictive, and students have neither a say in their management nor are they seen to need explanations; the teacher's character is sometimes perceived as being cold, even punishing.
The teacher terminates one activity, begins another, then returns to the original activity
name 2 of the 3 effective ways for a classroom
arranged space, stimulating learning environment, sense of community.
an environment in which students are empowered and comfortable...
classroom culture
____________________ of students have repeatedly been shown to have a positive impact on student performance.
high expectations.
style is characterized by a lack of involvement, the environment is non-punitive, there are few demands on students, and there is a lot of freedom.
The teacher interrupts classroom momentum with random, unrelated comments
name 2 of the 3 times on task
allocated time, engaged time, and academic learning time.
a type of aggression in which harm is caused by damaging someone's relationship or social status...
relational aggression
Effective use of assessment data allows schools to identify problematic areas of learning at the classroom and school levels so that teachers can generate solutions to address the problems.
ongoing evaluation
style is characterized by behavioral principles, high expectations of appropriate behavior, clear statements about why certain behaviors are acceptable and others not acceptable, and warm student-teacher relationships.
Teacher begins a thought, then leaves it hanging without completion
who created the patterns to transitioning?
jacob kounin
guidelines set by teachers that are given for students to follow in order for teacher to manage the class and allow students to have effective learning...
classroom rules
According to research, the successful school principal actively constructs _________ and then effectively communicates them to appropriate individuals
style presents an environment where there are no demands on the student of any sort, and the students are actively supported in their efforts to seek their own ends using any reasonable means
Teacher breaks directions into choppy steps instead of one fluid unit
during independent practice, the success rate should be almost... (what percent)
attempts to guide and motivate individuals to change their actions or interactions in certain settings...
behavior management
For maximum learning to occur, students need to feel _______. Respect is a quality that is promoted and is a fundamental aspect of an effective and safe school.
who created the management styles?
Teacher spends more time than is necessary to correct an infraction of classroom rules
what percentage of teachers answer questions right?