Who is Confucius?
A Chinese Philosopher/Teacher
Daoism was founded by this ancient Chinese philosopher.
Who is Laozi
Buddhism was founded by this prince-turned-teacher.
Who is Siddhartha Gautama (the Buddha)
A system of ideas and beliefs that influences how people think and act
What is an ideology
What is Ms.Booker's greatest pet peeve?
What is people speaking when she is speaking
This is the main book that contains the sayings of Confucius
What is The Analects
Daoism was started by this person.
Who is Laozi
This is the route in which Buddhism spread
A system of moral values that helps people decide right from wrong
What is ethics
The number of children Ms.Booker has
What is 3
Confucius emphasized respect for parents and elders, known as this virtue.
What is filial piety
Daoism teaches that instead of strict rules, people should live in harmony with this.
What is nature (or the Dao)
This is the ultimate goal of Buddhism, a state of enlightenment and freedom from suffering.
What is Nirvana
A way of organizing people into levels of importance, often seen in government or society
What is a hierarchy
The main character of Ms.Booker's favorite show
Avatar Aang
Confucius believed society should be structured around these five types of relationships.
What are ruler-subject, father-son, husband-wife, older brother-younger brother, and friend-friend
The Daoist symbol of balance between opposing forces is called this.
What is Yin and Yang
This cycle of birth, death, and rebirth is central to Buddhist belief.
What is reincarnation (or samsara)
A test used in ancient China to choose government officials based on their knowledge
What is the civil service examination
Confucius believed that government leaders should be chosen based on this, not birth.
What is merit (or ability)
Daoists believe in letting things happen naturally, a belief called?
What is Wu Wei
The Buddha taught that following this path leads to enlightenment.
What is the Eightfold Path
When different religious beliefs mix together over time, it is called this
What is religious syncretism