Women's Movement
Chicano Movement
Gay Movement
Native American
Silent Majority
Women were tough not to want careers education or political rights
What is Feminine?
Founded the NFWA, He used nonviolent was of protesting.
Who is Cesar Chavez?
California, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico,Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine, Maryland, Washington are what?
What is states that made Gay marriage legal.
The people involved in the Native American Movement were the ?
What is Native Americans and the Federal Government?
The middle class citizens who are obedient and follow all the rules
What is the Silent Majority?
No longer left their homes except to shop, chauffeur their children or attend social engagements with their husbans what what.
What is the lifestyle of a women.
She was a labor leader and a civil rights activist, Co-founder of the United farm workers.
Who is Dolores Huerta?
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida , Georgia, Idaho, Kansas , Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Virginia, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Nevada, Oregon , Indiana, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Wyoming Has all done what?
What is banning gay marriage.
Government was making Native Americans Relocate to Indian Reservation. Native Americans being ranked the lowest member in society
What is the cause for the Movement.
He wanted the votes of the Silent Majority, and openly expressed his bias toward them.
Who is Richard Nixon.
Why did women go to collage?
What is going to school to find a husband.
Cesar Chavez was the leader of this organization, which was to have farm workers have equal pay
What is United Farm Workers.
Ran Save Our Children Campaign. which was to tech her kids biblical morality.
Who is Anita Bryant.
Was a Native American leader, teacher, lecturer, activist, and author. He Co-Founded the American Indian Movement (AIM).What he strives for is to establish rights to protect the traditional ways of Indian people.
Who is Dennis Banks?
Symbol of silent Majority
What is Hard Hat?
Founding member of National Organization for Women, National Abortion Rights Action League, and National Women's Political Caucus
Who is Betty Friedan?
Wanted to desegregate schools for Mexicans and whites.
What is Mendez v. Westminster?
Was a gay politician and mayor George Moscone's supervisor, Was the first leader to say he was gay. Killed by Dan White who said he ate too much junk food causing him to kill this politician.
Who is Harvey Milk
It started in South Dakota, was a protest with 300 Native Americans, they didn't want to be separate.
What is The Second Wounded Knee
The opposing side to the silent majority, they did not agree with the government.
What is the Counter Culture.
One wanted abortion one wanted abortion.
What is Roe vs. Wade?
Allowed police officials to make anyone who looked suspicious of jumping the border show proof that he or she was an U.S. citizen.
What is Arizona Law SB 1070?
The fight for gay rights continues. Many people protest and meet around Washington and fight for the rights they believe they deserve.
What is the Gay movement today?
Made up of proposals made by the Native Americans.
What is 20 point proposal?
Definition is love for one’s country, however, it can be defined many ways.
What is Patriotism?