Leading up to the 1920s what was Americas relationship with alcohol.
Which athlete helped make baseball the most popular sport?
Babe Ruth
Which household appliance helped power companies expand their business?
Toaster, refrigerator
Who was Huey P. Long
Huey P. Long was the Governor of Louisiana and a U.S. Senator known for his populist policies aimed at reducing income inequality.
What caused the Stock Market Crash of 1929?
when a large group of people withdrew from their stocks, causing others to panic and withdraw more.
What was made illegal with the passing of the 18th amendment?
The manufacture, transport, and sell of alcoholic beverages was made illegal.
what was the main inspiration for Ernest Hemingway's writing
The way disillusioned by the distraction and inhumanity of ww1 and the western society.
How did refrigerator companies make their product accessible to the average American?
They offered consumers the option of buying on credit.
What was Huey P. Long’s political philosophy?
Long advocated for wealth redistribution, government intervention, and social programs to support the poor.
What are some reasons Americans doubted the stability of the banking system?
1. collapsing economy
2. Numerous bank failures
How did he temperance movement affect the lives of immigrants in the U.S.?
Hostility increased towards them as they opened breweries to keep the traditions of their homeland alive.
Who are the most famous artists during the 1920s and 1930s?
Jacob Lawrence and Augusta Savage
How did the increase in household appliances impact women who were homemakers?
The expectations for them increased.
What was Huey P. Long’s “Share Our Wealth” program
The program proposed taxing the rich to fund benefits like guaranteed incomes, free education, and healthcare for the poor.
How did the U.S. implement protectionism in its trade with other countries?
They placed high tariffs on imported goods.
How did speakeasies contribute to the amount of organized crime during Prohibition?
Speakeasies were able to grow and the organizations fought for control over cities, further increasing crime.
What are two of Amelia Earhart's biggest accomplishments?
2. first woman to fly solo across the Pacific Ocean
What caused demand for products to fall throughout the 1920s?
The income inequality increased, causing demand for products to fall.
What role did Huey Long play in Louisiana's politics
As governor, Long improved infrastructure and gained support from the poor while consolidating power through patronage.
What caused the Midwestern area to be known as the Dust Bowl?
A long drought caused severe soil erosion. This soil blew away and formed large clouds of dust.
What did women like Frances Willard want to include in the WCTU's agenda.
They wanted to include women's suffrage in the Agenda.
how many gold medals did Jesse Owens earn in the 1936 Olymipcs
He won 4 medals in field and track
How did higher tariffs on exported goods affect the U.S. government relationships with other countries?
It discouraged other countries from purchasing American products.
How did Huey P. Long rise to power
He rose by opposing the state's elite, advocating for the working class, and using powerful speeches to gain widespread support.
What is buying stocks on margin?
When using borrowed money to buy stocks.