Diverse educational strengths
Diverse Students
Diverse Students Continued
Classroom Environment
A philosophy that brings diverse students, families, educators and community members together to create schools and other social institutions based on acceptance, belonging and community.
What is Inclusion
This team is composed of professionals and family members with the student when appropriate and makes important decisions concerning the education of the student
What is comprehensive planning team
These children do not have a regular residence and may be living with others, in cars, motels, bus or train stations, camp grounds or shelters
What is Homeless Children
a program that can be a component of or an alternative to bilingual education
What is English as a Second Language (ESL)
A person-centered, multi-method, problem-solving process that involves gathering information to measure a students behavior
What is a functional behavioral assessment (FBA)
Partial or full-time programs that educated students with disabilities with their general education peers is referred to as
What is mainstreaming
the model used prior to considering whether a student is eligible for special education
What is RTI (Response to Intervention)
This means a student has encountered circumstances that caused them to have limited, erratic or nonexistent access to schooling
What is Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE)
This seeks to help teachers acknowledge and understand the increasing diversity in society and in the classroom, and to see their students diverse backgrounds as assets that they can support student learning and the learning of others
What is multicultural education
Where schools educate students with disabilities as much as possible with their peers who do not have disbailities
What is Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
Used to measure a students response to interventions
What is progress monitoring
The court decision that states "all undocumented students have the same right as US citizens to attend public school
What is Plyer vs. Doe
treatment of boys and girls differently
What is Gender Bias
There are how many continuum of educational placements, name at least 3
What is 10 options, general education classroom with no support, general education classroom with support, general education classroom with specialist support, resource room, special education classroom with part time in general ed classroom, full-time special ed classroom, day school, residential school, homebound instruction, hospital or institution.
A written, individualized education plan listing the special education and related services student with disabilities will receive to address their unique academic, social behavioral, communication, functional, and physical strengths and challenges.
What is IEP (Individualized Education Program)
Program that employs both the native and the new language and culture of students to teach them
What is bilingual education
Understanding our students requires us to help them in any ways that we can, some struggles that students face are
What are eating disorders, sexual orientation, HIV and AIDES, and family changes
This focuses on the use of function bases interventions designed to address the students learning and behavior by changing the classroom environment to better accommodate the students characteristics, strengths, interests, relationships and challenges
What is behavioral intervention plan
Provide opportunities, social interactions, and experiences that parallel those of society to adults and children with disabilities.
What is normalization
This is developed to address the students academics achievements and functional performance and includes suggestions for achieving their postsecondary goals.
What is SOP (Summary of Performance)
Program that mixes students who speak languages other than English with students who speak English
What is two-way program OR duel language program
There are 8 Family Changes that we may see occur, name 3
What is single-parent families, divorce, extended family, gat, lesbian, bisexual, transgender parents, adopted children, foster families, child abuse and substance abuse
According to this principle a student can do something that they like if they complete a less popular task first
What is Premack's Principle