Ariana Grande is smaller than Iggy Azalea.
What's the grammar point in here?
Comparative adjectives
adjective + than to compare 2 things
Which modal verbs are used to ask for something in a polite and indirect way?
Can, could, would you mind, if and may
What are the uses of present continuous?
To talk about something in progress in the present:
a) Something actually in progress
b) Something happening now, but not at this moment
c) Changing a situation
How can we form "going to"?
Be going to + main verb (base form)
Sharks are the biggest fish in the world.
What's the grammar point in here?
Superlative adjectives
To compare one thing with all the other in a group.
We often place "the" + superlative adjective.
Write down all the verbs related to money (9 verbs) and provide and example for each one
Pay for
What are the auxliars for Present Continous?
I (am)
He/she/it (is)
We/you/they (are)
Which one is the plan for the future:
a) At this moment, she's going for a latte.
b) She's going to leave at 10:40 p.m
How many genres can you find out in this image? (1 min)
The four rules to form the superlative adjectives
1. one syllable add -est
2. ending -y, we change -y into -iest
3. two or more syllables, most before the adjective
4.Irregular superlatives
What's the use of present simple?
To talk about habits, routines and general truths
We use this tense for describing an action now or around the time of speaking
Present continuous
Time expressions related to going to?
This weekend
This summer
Next year
Describe an image (2 min)
1. Focus on useful language
2. To be precise:
a) Location
b) Appereance and actions
c) General description
3.Give your opinion (infere)
The four rules to form the comparative adjective
1. one syllable add -er
2. ending -y, we change -y into -ier
3. two or more syllables, we put "more + adjective"
4. irregular adjectives
Which are the auxiliars of simple present?
Do (I/ you/ we/ they)
Does (he/she/it)
How can we form the infintive of purpose?
( to+ base form of the verb)
Which rule is apply for the following verbs (third person):
1. work
2. kiss
3. fly
4. play
Rules for third person
1. Most verbs take -s in the third person singular
2. Verbs ending in -ss, -sh, -sch, -x and take -es
3. Verbs ending in a consonant + y drop the y and add -ies
4. Verbs ending in a vowel +y take -s
What are the uses of "going to"?
To talk about a plan for the future
To make a prediction
To talk about a prior plan/event
Which is the main sentence and which the reason for the action?
Mary called her manager to ask him for an advice.
Main sentence: Mary called her manager
Reason for the action: To ask him for an advice.
Identify the 4 components to write a blog, use this image to guide you...
1. Planning
2. Headline
3. Research
3. Visual Support