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When children are told that certain classmates are learning disabled, they may behave in ways that inhibit the success of these students in the classroom. This best illustrates the dangers of
What is Self-Fulfilling Prophecies?
In North America, which of the following is most likely to cause premature death?
What is Lung cancer
Exposure to high levels of male sex hormones during prenatal development is most likely to facilitate the subsequent development of:
What is spatial abilities
In their classic nine-year study, Friedman and Rosenman reported that, compared to Type A men, Type B men were:
What is less likely to get heart attacks
Virtual reality exposure therapy is sometimes used in:
What is PTSD
Compared to authoritarian parents, authoritative parents are likely to be
What is both demanding and responsive by setting and enforcing rules but also explain the reasons
A psychotherapist suggests that Theresa can effectively reduce the anger she feels toward her ex-boyfriend by tearing pictures of him into little pieces. This therapeutic technique is based on the:
What is Catharsis hypothesis
According to the ________ perspective, anxiety is sometimes produced by the submerged mental energy associated with repressed impulses:
What is psychoanalytic
Which perspective suggests that depression is a reaction to loss and the internalization of unresolved anger toward parents?
What is psychoanalytic
The defense mechanism by which people disguise threatening impulses by attributing them to others is called:
What is Projection
For several months following a sudden and unexpected divorce, Henry was excessively preoccupied with thoughts of his ex-wife. His reaction resulted from the disruption of
What is attachment
Lavonne was careful to avoid the use of dangling participles and run-on sentences in her essay because she did not want to lose points for faulty:
What is syntax
College students routinely underestimate how much time it will take them to complete assigned course projects. This best illustrates the impact of:
What is overconfidence
In considering the seven sins of memory, misattribution is to the sin of ________ as blocking is to the sin of ________.
What is Distortion and forgetting
Gina is so fearful of taking tests for college courses that she experiences mild anxiety when registering for a course, intense anxiety when studying for a test, and extreme anxiety when answering actual test questions. Her greatest fear, however, is experienced while waiting for a professor to hand the tests out to the class. During the process of systematically desensitizing her test anxiety, the therapist is likely to ask Gina first to imagine:
What is registering for a college course
When faced with an ever-increasing number of consumer product choices, people often experience the discomfort of:
What is Information over-load
A cross-sectional study is one in which:
What is Different age groups are tested at the same time
Haley's parents bought her a used bicycle for her birthday. She was thrilled until she learned that her best friend received a brand new bicycle on her birthday. Haley's declining satisfaction illustrates the:
What is relative deprivation principle
The hippocampus plays a critical role in ________ memory.
What is Implicit
Research on intelligence and brain functioning indicates that highly intelligent children demonstrate ______ than their less intelligent counterparts.
What is smaller synaptic gaps
The spillover effect is best explained in terms of the
What is two-factor theory
Mrs. Sunstedt believes that parents should accept and try to understand their children's feelings and should honestly disclose their own inner feelings to their children. Her approach to parentchild interaction was most explicitly recommended by:
What is Jung
Social cues are especially likely to influence our behavior in ______ settings, and personality traits are especially likely to influence our behavior in ______ situations
What is Unfamiliar, informal
It would be reasonable to suggest that the Flynn effect is due in part to:
What is increasingly improved childhood health and nutrition
If interviewers instantly like a job applicant because of his or her good looks, they may judge the person's complimentary remarks as indicating “polite manners” rather than “manipulative flattery.” This best illustrates the impact of ________ on the interpretation of interviewees' responses.
What is interviewers' preconceptions