He was the president at the start of the Great Depression
Who is Herbert Hoover
This term is refer to widespread fear of Communism in the US during early 20th century
What is Red care?
He built roads and provided free text books
What were positive things Huey. P Long did?
Who are flappers?
The 2 groups which led Women's suffrage
What is National Women's Suffrage Association and American Women's Suffrage Association?
This series of economic progress introduced by Presiend Franlkin D Roosevelt aimed to provide relief, recovery and reform during great depression
What is the New deal?
A form of government most closely associated with the ideas of Karl Marx
What is communism
Huey P. Long's Political Goal
Who wants to become a president?
Loss of population and farmers moving to cities to get factory jobs
What was an effect of hard times for Farmers?
President gives support to the women's sufferage movement?
who is president Thomas wilson
This term describes the the severe economic hardship faced by many Americans during the great depression, symbolized by makeshift shantytowns
What are Hoovervilles?
People who believe that government authority is unnecessary and potentially harmful to society
What are anarchists?
A program created to end poverty
What is the Share Our Wealth Program?
Started organized crime
How did bootleggers and speakeasies cause problems for federal authorities during prohibition?
Constitutional amendment allows women the right to vote
What is the 19th amendment
This term describes the widespread and sustained drop in stock prices that contributed to the economic downturn of the great depression
What is the stock market crash
What are Italian immigrants?
He had assassinated Huey P. Long
Relocation of African Americans
What was the great migration?
Granted the vote to women over the age of 30 who met a property qualification
What was the Representation of the People Act?
This program established in 1985 aimed to provide financial security for the elderly and unemployed
What is social security?
Led by the Bolshevik Party, establishes Russia as the world's 1st Communist state
What is the Russian Revolution?
He promised people powerful positions in exchange for income
How was Huey P. Long a corrupted governor?
American Arts Movement
What was the Harlem Renaissance?
The first US state grants women the right to vote