Princess Ruth, Princess Martha , Princess Electa
Who are the 3 princess the Royal Court of Judges chosen as Select Matrons of the Ladies of Circle of Perfection? (pg. 55 & 56)
And God said " Let there be light"
What is Genesis 1:3? (pg. 64)
Represents Stability, The three Patriarchs of Israel
What is the Three-Branched Candelabra (pg. 68)
The Election of officers must take place before December 21st ( the Festival of St. John the Evangelist)
What is Way Point #23 (pg. 11-13)
What is FAITH? (pg. 61 &64)
Represent the relationship as an Adoptive Rite body to the Council of Cryptic Masons, as well as the Brothers serving as guardians of the women in the Circle of Perfection.
What is the Circle inside of the Broken Triangle? pg. 66
Symbolic of (1) the Creator's people being victorious overt their enemies, (2) entering into the Sabbath rest ,(3) the works of the people
What is the Drink Offering (wine) ? pr. 69
No officer can resign after she has been installed
What is Waypoint # 5? (pg. 9)
On or about 970 to 931 BCE
What is the time period covered by Ladies of Circle of Perfection? pg 8
" Be Strong and courageous , because you will lead these people tp inherit the land, I swore to their ancestors to give them."
What is Joshua 1:6? pg 65
Purple Half Cape with Gold lining, 2" gold crown with emblem, scepter, white shoes white gloves
What is the regalia for Grand Royal Perfect Matron ? pg. 15
No Royal Court of Select Matrons can be open unless there are nine Select Matrons Present.
What is waypoint #17 ? (pg. 11)
I am Knowledge as such by the Ladies of Circle of Perfection,
Are you a Royal Matron? pg 65
Left arm straight out, palm of hand facing down, Right hand straight, palm down locking thumbs of both hands, left hand over right hand.
What is the degree sign for Royal Matron Degree ? (pg 61)
Number of swords and who hold them
What are the 2 swords for the Steward and Sentinel? ( pg 14)
The Degree of Royal Matron can only be conferred on those who have received the Heroines of Jericho Degree.
What is Way Point #9? ( pg. 10)
The Princesses do this before taking their obligation
What is washing of the hands? (pg 34,40)
Raise both your hands together over your head and touch your crown 3 times.
What is the Grand Honor Sign? pg. 62
Daily Double Question
Patriarchs of Israel found in Leviticus 26:42
Who are Abraham, Isaac , Jacob ? (pg 68)
No Royal Court of Royal Matrons can be opened unless there are five Royal Matrons present.
What is waypoint # 16? (pg. 11)