How Are You Smart?
Set Goals
Ask Questions
Record Your Progress

Name 3 different kinds of intelligence

Body, Picture, Music, People, Word, Self, Number, Nature


What are rock priorities? 

The things you have to do. There are usually significant consequences if these are not done. 

What does this statement mean?

"For every minute spent organizing, an hour is earned."

Disorganization costs you time (and potentially money!). Taking the time to get organized will save you more time later on. 


All communication rests on the answer to one question...


What are two ways you could keep track of your grades?

1. Online school system

2. Personally with a spreadsheet or piece of paper


People in these careers are likely to be what kind of smart? 

Salespeople, journalists/writers, therapists, lawyers

Word Smart


What are pebble priorities? 

Things you really enjoy doing an want to spend more time doing. 


How do you make a SOAR binder?

A 1 inch binder with a divider for every class. Each divider should have a pocket and be labeled. Homework goes in the front pocket of the binder and miscellaneous items go in the back. 

What two things can you do if you can't figure out your teacher's purpose in class? 

1. Raise your hand and ask.

2. Make a guess


What is one benefit to keeping track of your grades?

Eg. avoiding surprises, earning better grades, catching teacher mistakes, set more accurate goals (pg. 151)


Describe what it means to be People Smart. 

"People Smart" refers to the skills required to develop relationships with others. These people often work well on teams and are good at making others feel comfortable in their presence. They usually enjoy helping others and may be good at resolving conflict. (pg. 31) 


What are action steps?

Smaller, manageable steps that help you achieve your goals. 

What does the Silverware sorter teach us about organization?

Everything should have a place and that place should be easy to access. 


What are the 3 steps for reading nonfiction textbooks?

1. Find the purpose of the text (read the visuals and summary questions)

2. Turn headings into questions.

3. Read to answer your heading questions. (pg. 101)


How is using your planner useful for monitoring your goals? 

Weekly planning allows you to break your goals down into smaller, more manageable steps. It also allows you to revisit and reevaluate your goals. 


Which intelligences do schools generally place the greatest importance on? 

Number/Reasoning and Word Smarts


Describe and name one anchor point. 

Times throughout the week when you should be using your planner. 

Eg. Sunday night, during class, before going home, after school, before bedtime


What are the most poorly used hours of the day? 



What is the 80/20 power strategy for writing papers?

Know your purpose


Explain this statement:

"Setting, tracking, and achieving goals is not a one-time process."

It means that setting a goal is easy, but actually achieving that goal takes planning and effort. And your goals will change and grow over time, so you will need to be reevaluating them on a regular basis. 


Who came up with the theory of Multiple Intelligences?

Dr. Howard Gardner


What are the three steps to setting goals?

1. Establish Your Priorities

2. Identify Your Goals 

3. Schedule Time to Take Action


Why are routines important? 

The more automatic tasks are for you, the easier they will be and the less time they will take. (pg. 76)


Why might it be useful to have a watch or a clock available when taking a test?

So you can pace yourself. This will ensure you don't waste too much time on one question. Or spend a lot of time daydreaming. 


Why is it important to recognize your achievements?

We tend to voice negative thoughts rather than positive ones which means it is easy to get discouraged when things are hard. It is important to acknowledge and celebrate every achievement that you make towards accomplishing your goals. 
