  • What type of environment works best for studying?

  • A. Radio blaring, cell phone on

  • B. Quiet and few distractions

  • C. Loud with the TV on

  • D. In school just before class begins

  •  B.  Quiet and few distractions

  • *It is important to find a quiet place to study, preferably with a table so you can spread out your work.  Also, you should turn off the TV, cell phone, iPod, and any other distracting devices.

  • Where should you put study materials, such as pencils, paper, and books?

  • A. On or near your study spot

  • B.  Just leave them in the car

  • C.  In your backpack or locker

  • D. In the bathroom under the sink

  • A. On or near your study spot.

  • *Have study materials on or next to your study area so that you don’t have to interrupt study time to locate these items. Keep sharpened pencils, pens, paper, and books convenient to your study area.

  • When taking notes, it is important to…

  • A. Learn your teacher’s signals for stressing main points.

  • B. Learn the textbook’s cues for stressing main points.

  • C. Write down key points on your paper.

  • D. All of the above.

  • D. All of the Above

  • Learn the signals that your teacher and textbook use to stress main ideas and key details. Some of these signals may be the following:

    • repeating key points

    • raising the voice to emphasize key points

    • spelling key terms

    • speaking slowly

    • writing key points down

    • using phrases such as “key to” “most importantly” “main idea” “in conclusion”

    • using transition words such as “first” “next” “finally”

  • Which is the best order to follow when studying?

  • A. Study all subjects at once so that you don’t get bored.

  • B. Study easy subjects first, when concentration isn’t at its best.

  • C.  Only study when you have a test; it’s not necessary at any other time.

  • D. Study difficult subjects first, when concentration is best.

  • D. Study difficult subjects first, when concentration is best.

  • *Develop a study order before you begin a study session. Study your hardest subject first when you are fresh. Concentrate your best time on this subject. Do simple or easy study or work at the end of your study time, when less concentration is needed.

  • Which of the following is NOT a good note taking skill?

  • A. Write down the most important information you will need to remember for the test..

  • B. Use shorthand symbols and abbreviations when possible.

  • C.  Write down everything that the teacher or the book says.

  • D. Listen carefully when your teacher is speaking so that you don’t miss important points.

  • C. Write down everything that the teacher or the textbook says.

  • Don’t write down everything that the teacher or textbook says. Be selective. If you already know it, don’t write it down.

  • Use your own “shorthand” symbols and abbreviations. Think text messaging!

  • Ask questions about main ideas and key details that you don’t understand.

  • What type of format should you use when you take notes?

  • A. No format is necessary—just free write all over your paper.

  • B.  Use an organizational pattern that fits with the information being presented.

  • C.  Find one format that you like best and use that each time you take notes.

  • D.  Always use an outline format with Roman Numerals and Lettering.

  • B.  Use an organizational pattern that fits with the information being presented.

  • A one-size-fits-all note-taking format is not the best approach. Use different formats for different organizational patterns and purposes.

  • How should you plan your study breaks?

  • A. Take long, 30-minute breaks every 5 minutes.

  • B.  Do not take a break until you have finished studying.

  • C. Take short, 5-minute breaks every 30 minutes.

  • D. Only take a 5-minute break while studying.

  • C. Take short, 5 minute breaks every 30 minutes.

  • *Plan when to take study breaks before you begin. Study breaks should be short, regular, and away from your study area. Do something different than your study activity. Make sure to stretch during study breaks. Make sure to get up and move around.

  • Establish simple rewards in advance to enjoy during a study break. For example, if a snack is calling your name, delay gratification until a planned study break.

  • Which of the following is NOT a good note taking strategy?

  • A. Date and number your notes pages.

  • B. Keep all of your notes in one place.

  • C. Keep all of your notes in order according to date.

  • D. Keep your notes in a folder and organize them at the end of the year.

  • D. Keep your notes in a folder and organize them at the end of the year.

  • Stay Organized!

  • It may seem obvious, but your class notes can only help you if you can find them. When you're taking notes be sure to:

    • Keep all your notes in one place.

    • Date and number pages; keeping them in order makes it easier to understand them later.

  • What are some tips to use during study time?

  • A. Write down main ideas, key concepts, and possible test questions as you study.

  • B. Read over your notes 100 times and the information will sink into your brain automatically.

  • C.  Avoid looking over your notes and your textbook; just study what your study guide says.

  • D. Skim through your notes and your textbook quickly and then stop studying.

  • A. Write down main ideas, key concepts, and possible test questions as you study.

  • * Use metacognitive cues as you study. Establish an interactive dialog with your study materials. Ask questions; make comments and predictions of written text. Key into what is important to remember. Be an active, rather than a passive, learner.

  • Write down main ideas, key concepts, possible test questions, questions to ask as you study. Compose a quick reflective summary of your study session in a study journal. What was most important to remember from the study session and why?

  • Which of the following is NOT a good idea for reviewing your notes after class?

  • A. Underline, highlight, & use symbols to sort through information.

  • B.  If you don’t understand something, just put your notes away and forget it.

  • C. Write a summary of your notes after reviewing to help remember information.

  • D. Review your notes on the day you take them and review all of your notes once per week.

  • B.  If you don’t understand something, just put your notes away and forget it.

  • As soon as class ends, review your notes and fill in any blanks. Underline, highlight and use symbols to sort through the information. If you don't understand something, get help from your teacher or classmates.

  • After you've reviewed all your notes from class, in the left-hand area of the page write down key words and questions your teacher might ask on a test.

  • At the bottom of each page, write a summary of the notes. This helps you digest what you've learned. It also improves your memory of the material for the long term and for tests down the road.

  • Review your notes the day you take them and all your notes once a week. That way, you won’t need to study as much when it’s test time. You've been doing the work all along.
